Sunday, January 30, 2011

Do we get a snow day this week?

We are about to start a new week and with the start of a new week comes the question....What day will be our snow day this week? We have had one every week for the past 3 weeks so why should this week be any different? I just finished watching the weather forecast and it seems there is a major storm headed our way for Tuesday/Wednesday. What a winter!


Anonymous said...

It really is crazy how much snow we are getting! People are saying that if we get enough snow days they will take away one of our breaks- which is awful. ):
-Sara Pishdadian

Anonymous said...

I hope that we get a snow day per week this year! That would be awesome. Crossing my fingers and toes!

Jill O'Connor said...

With such a mild winter last year, it's inevitable that there'll be a few snow days this year (knocking on wood...)

Olivia said...

How amazing would that be, Connor??