The End of April Vacation

It is Sunday night and tomorrow morning I have to wake up with an alarm clock. Time to go finish out the school year. For those of you reading this blog that are depressed by the end of school vacation, you only have 36 more days of school. I hope everyone had a great week off from school. I went to watch the marathon. My family watched from mile 16.5 in Newton. We saw Lance Armstrong go by, then Mr. Taylor was only minutes behind him. My husband was about 15 minutes behind Mr. Taylor. After all 3 passed by I caught the green line into Boston to the finish line. Congrats to the two Mr. Taylors for a great race. Boston was crazy. So many people there was barely any room to move, but I wouldn't have missed out on the experience. My only complaint was the T was so crowded that everyone was squished in with little breathing room. Even with that said I recommend you go to the marathon.
The rest of my week was very relaxing. I did a little bit of school work. I made up the workbook for our math day at six flags and I read a book called "The Number Devil". The book was about a boy that did not like math and every time he went to sleep he had dreams about it. The Number devil came into his dreams to show him how fun math can be. I enjoyed the book and I think it will be required summer reading for next years incoming freshmen.
My vacation ended with a weekend of baseball. Little league parade and first game of the season was Saturday and then Sunday was an AAU baseball game. My son can't join just one baseball league. He has to join both Little League and AAU. I guess it is a good thing that I like baseball.


Kayla H. said…
Congrats to Lance, the Mr. Taylors and everyone else who ran in the marathon and raised money for the LiveStrong Foundation. I am depressed by the end of vacation. Mine was really busy and now I feel like I need another vacation to unwind from the craziness of vacation! And though it seems like the school year is fast approaching, I feel like it is going to be majorly stressful, what with the SATs (for some), various AP tests (for some), the MCAS (for all--pointless!), and finals. Let's hope we all make it out in one piece!
Anonymous said…
Vacation was so relaxing, I can't believe its over. Ah well, back to the daily grind. Whatever, soon the AP exams will be over and hopefully things will be a little less stressful after that. I can only hope. I agree with Kayla about the whole making it out in one piece thing.

Sincerely, Ben
Anonymous said…
Vacation was needed and well spent for me. I didn't ahve much homework and the work I did have to do was very enjoyable. I too read a book called The Things They Carried which I reccomend especially if you are interested in war novels with philosophical thinking mixed in.
I too had people in the race and heard how wonderful they did so congrats to both Mr. Taylors as well.
Overall my vacation like Bens was relaxing.
Anonymous said…
What's terrible about April Vacation is it's the last vacation before summer and I think in those last weeks of school we're all pretty much set to leave. But like Kayla said, we still have SATS and AP exams to worry about. After those, I'm pretty sure very early senioritis will kick in.
Anonymous said…
April vacation was exceptionally fun for me. The weather was so nice that it felt like summer, and I had a really good time when I went to visit some cousins in Connecticut. I agree with Kayla about the stressfulness of the SATs and APs and finals. It's a good thing that summer vacation is right around the corner!
Anonymous said…
Vacation was awesome and enabled me to relax and get away from school work. However like Mike said it is a depressing feeling to know that it is the last vacation of the school year. Like Mrs. Taylor my vactation was also filled with baseball. I played in two games myself umpired four, coached two practices for my little brothers team and went to two of his games.
Anonymous said…
i really enjoyed my april vacation because besides practices i was with my friends the entire week. my most memerable moment was when i was at my friend colleen's house and our friends arron split open his foot and havign to get 16 stiches because we were playing wiffle ball in her back yard barefoot. it wasnt that funny at the time but looking back we can laugh at it now.

Anonymous said…
April vacation was very needed for me! Like everyone said the weather was amazing! I was really glad because I was outside the whole entire time. I had a very exciting busy vacation though. Everyday I went to visit college's and it was exciting but overwhelming. Most of the schools I was some what interested in required one or more years of foreign language to take at their school. I don't wanna take any more foreign language if I don't have to. Like Kayla and Mike I was really nervous about taking SAT's but im glad their over with and I really like the fact that its not a one time thing and if needed I can take them again.
Matt said…
I had a great april vacation! It was needed badly. I couldn't believe how nice the weather was. It was the most that I got outside in a couple months. Now we only have a month and a half left of school. I can't wait until summer. Like Emma, I am glad that the SATs are over with. Now all I to worry about are my 2 AP tests, but hopefully afterwards things will become less stressful.
Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed my vacation. I agree with emma the weather was wonderful. we all really lucked out, seeing as the weather has been dreary. I cant wait until summer vacation!

Anonymous said…
I was incredibly upset the Sunday night before we had to go back to school. The weather had been beautiful all week and I was really enjoying the time off. I had an awesome vacation and even got to go my first Red Sox game of the season. Now all I have to look forward to is AP Tests and Finals. Ugh. Summer can't get here fast enough!
Anonymous said…
Like Jackie said, the weather was beautiful for APril vacation. I really enjoyed the preveiw of summer like weather. Now to just get through these last couple weeks. I spent most of my vacation resting because I ended up getting my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday, and recovering the rest of the week. But everything is going well now, and after AP Tests, junior year will be a alot less stressful :]

-Kelly Allen
Anonymous said…
Like Kelly and Jackie said, the weather was beautiful out over this past vacation. I was able to go out and play tennis almost everyday (even though it's been a while since vacation ended!) I wish I could have gone to the boston marathon, it sounded like a lot of fun. Also, like everyone else, i'm not looking forward to the AP tests coming up, but once they're over the year will go by quicker!

Calley F.
Anonymous said…
Vacation was really relaxing for me -- like Mrs. Taylor, I didn't have to set my alarm clock, and if I did, I didn't have to wake up when it rang :)
But these past few weeks have been a little more stressful. Like Kelly said, the year will be a lot different once AP exams are over.
Anonymous said…
i went to Bermuda over the vacation. It was beautiful but ive heard it was nice here too. I like everyone else above me cannot wait for AP Testing to be done
Anonymous said…
i am so glad it was nice weather over arpil vacation. it was so beautiful out!! like rosemary and mrs taylor said, i was glad that i didnt have to wake up to my alarm clock, it was so nice to sleep in :]

like keely and ben said i am hoping that after AP exams everything will slow down a bit and be less stressful

i just can't wait for these last few weeks of school to be over and summer to finally come! i was actually surprised at how quickly this year went by, i mean its almost over! =O

ohh and that book, "the number devil" sounds alright, i think i would enjoy that for summer reading

Tim Mollins said…
April Vacation...hmmm...that was quite some time ago (or so it seems). I guess that would be the result of my procrastination in commenting this blog, haha.

I spent April Vacation with my girlfriend (who I love so much!). She goes to college in New York City, so I spent the week there and stayed in her dorm. The first time I went to the city, I wasn't really a fan--too much commotion. But going back, I began to fall in love with NYC. It's an experience that I would recommend to everyone. If you haven't been, seriously, go there.

I spent the week experiencing a taste of city life. My girlfriend, Melissa, and I went to the Bronx Zoo, which was an experience in and of itself. I've never seen so many animals in my life. Alongside that, we went out to eat at a few different and interesting places. Perhaps my favorite was the Shake Shack. It's an outdoor place that's exactly what it sounds like. They serve amazing shakes and burgers (that we had to wait a half hour in line for--completely worth it).

I could go on about the awesome time I had over vacation, but I really think to truly understand, one would have to go to New York City. And I still highly recommend it.
Anonymous said…
well, i guess im a little late on this, but so was kristen and half the other people who commented, haha. like kristen, i loved the weather, except during track because it was so hot. unbelievably, i finished all my homework before sunday, so i did absolutely nothing that was the first time i did that in my high school career. i guess i'll go study for ap bio now, bye.
Anonymous said…
i just typed an entire blog, and hit enter before i put my name in, so if you got a blog with no name sent on may 11, it was Gil's.
Anonymous said…
I love Boston, but i'm not sure i could ever manage to ride the T during the marathon. I can't even imagine how crazy it must have been! Good for both Taylors for running though.

Like everyone else said, I enjoyed the good weather we had over vacation. It was good to get away from all of the school work for a little while. I also managed to finsh my community service hours for the year which is definatly a good thing.
Anonymous said…
Seeing Lance must have been really cool! I've never watched a marathon. Was it boring?

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