Friday, May 23, 2008

The end of a great year

Can you believe it? June is right around the corner. I need a little more time in the school year to finish everything I want to do. Don't you want to extend the year school by a week or two? I guess I will have to accept the fact that I have to leave some things for next year. At the end of each school year I reflect on how things went all year. What I did that went well, and what needs to be changed for next year. Here is your chance to make a difference....What should be done differently in Pre-Calc next year? I know I will use the smartview software more. I will make sure I don't forget that we have it. I am going to show the students the little calculator tricks at the beginning of the year instead of at the end. (sorry!) I never thought to ask if you knew the little things like recalling a previous answer. I believe the students will benefit from more frequent notebook quizzes so I will make that change as well. Now it is your turn to tell me what you think. What would have made the class better for you? You should reflect about your school year. Did you try you best? If not, what will you do differently next year? Make the most out of your senior year because you only get one high school senior year. Enjoy your summer. I know I will. You will find me poolside just about every day.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Math Day at Six Flags

I have to admit that when I woke up Friday morning I was a little nervous about the weather, but the day turned out pretty good. I should have known that a little wet weather would not ruin our field trip. We all got a little damp with the heavy mist for the first hour we were there, but after that I stayed pretty dry. I had a great day and I hope that all my students did as well. You were supposed to have fun on this trip, but I also wanted you to make those math connections. Did you? Let me know. I have to stop typing and go correct those six flags packets. Then I will check my email for some more pictures from six flags. Don't forget to email them to me.