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One School One Book
I have been reading the book "The Day the World Came to Town" and something is on my mind that I have to share with everyone. Can you believe how incredibly generous and trusting the people in Gander are? I would like to think that I would be the same, but I am not sure. I know that I would definately bring supplies to where ever the people were being placed, but I am not sure that I would open my house up to strangers. I couldn't get over how people were invited into the homes to take showers and the home owners would leave the house and tell them to make themselves at home. I would like to think that I could be that way, but I am not sure I would. What about you? Could you be that trusting of stangers?
What are you reading?
Have you read any good books lately? I am trying to find a great book for the incoming freshmen to read over the summer. The current freshmen class read "The Number Devil", but they didn't like that choice so I am trying to find something more enjoyable for the students. Right now I am reading "October Sky" by Homer Hickham. I am only 60 pages into the book, but I am enjoying the little that I have read. I would like to hear about any books that you have read and would recommend.
Unlike Kayla, I enjoy roller coasters, especially the upside-down ones but not so much the wooden ones. What I really don't like, though, are the free-fall rides where you just go up and dooooown, and up, and dooooooown. I think it's called Scream, but I'm not really sure because I blocked that ride out of my memory. And so I'd be holding bags with Kayla if anyone wants to go on that ride :)
P.S. Glad Mrs. Taylor and everyone had fun and didn't let the wet weather ruin their trip!
I really did have a lot of fun on the field trip, I was a little skeptical about how it would be because of the rain but it still was enjoyable! Superman was definitley the best ride and sitting in the very front was the best :]
I made some math connections and it was really cool to be able to conect what we've done in math to the real world.
I also had an awesome time at the park and the weather really didn't bother me at all. This was my first time going to this Six Flags and I loved every minute of it. I've been on many rides and rollercoasters before, but it was cool knowing everything we did about the angular and linear velocities and being able to actually apply it to the rides.
-Kelly Allen
ps- I emailed the pictures to you.
Calley F.
yes i did make the math connections. like brian, i didnt realize how much thought and planning goes into making a roller coaster, i mean it looks like someone took metal and just twisted it all around and then made it bigger. but, a lot must be done to make it work.
p.s. i am glad you enjoyed the packet ravi
Up until last year, I had never been on a roller coaster in my life. But last summer really changed my perspective. While I still won't go on Superman (I'm still positive it'd put me in a coma), I find roller coasters to be incredibly fun.
What makes roller coasters so much fun for me is that feeling as you're going up the first hill, when I'm thinking "oh no...what did I just get myself into? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea....ahh! get me off this thing!!" and then, before I can think any more, I'm plunged over the top and down the hill and I'm no longer thinking about getting off, because it's too late, and this is way too much fun, and I'm just laughing, but screaming (words that I wouldn't say on Mrs. Taylor's blog) at the same time and then the ride is over and I just think "WOW".
As far as math connections go, as the person above me (no name?) commented, it really made me realize how much time and thought goes into making those rides. Such precision has to be practiced to ensure optimum thrills.
Ben Sargent
years now and really like the physics materials that SLAPT.org (St. Louis' local physics teacher association) has developed. However,
being a math teacher, I would love to make more math-specific
materials available to a wider audience. This past fall, I visited
the park and co-wrote some materials and have them hosted on my
website. Maybe more math and science teachers who are looking
for materials would be better able to
find them that way. The direct link for the materials is:
Maybe some of these can be adapted to your local park. If you have suggestions for
improving the materials we have put together, would you mind
contacting me? I'm trying to get MEGSL (St. Louis' local math association) more involved with M,S, and P day, but I think either time or interest is getting in the way for
Steven Willott
National Board Certified Math Teacher
Publicity Contact for MEGSL (Mathematics Educators of Greater St. Louis)
NEA Member
Francis Howell North High School
web page: http://fhn.fhsd.k12.mo.us/swillott