School Life during a Pandemic

 Four weeks of school complete! What? Only four weeks. Feels like 4 months. I have not changed my mind about hybrid schedule - way tooooooo much work. I spend a minimum of 60 hours per week on school work, but I'm still glad I get some in person time with my students. 

The positivity rate is rising here in Massachusetts so I am a little concerned about going to school and being around so many different people (indoors). I don't want to get this virus. Thankfully Norton High has been staying healthy but now that I have put that in writing I have probably jinxed us.

I wonder what the students think about the new school model. Some have told me it isn't bad, but they don't like that all their friends aren't in school on the same day. (every other day) I just hope the students are behaving and staying socially distant when they are out of school.

Let's all stay healthy and get rid of this virus!!


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