get your shovels ready

Have you listened to the weather lately? The snow is coming. I have posted snowfall totals from two different TV stations. I can't believe how early the snow is coming. We still have 2 months until the official start of winter. Wonder if this means we are in for a long winter?


Anonymous said…
Seems like the winters are just getting longer and colder! I love the snow, but the bitter cold is the worst. Definitely mixed emotions about this.
-Steve Burrill
Colby Sears said…
I wish we had some of this just doesn't feel like Christmas without it!
Jill O'Connor said…
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas....and not the song!!!!
Anthony Kennedy said…
Ugh we have snow in October but not December!!! I want snow!
Jill O'Connor said…

I think Christmas time is jovial even without the snow! It's the presence of family that really makes Christmas time special.
Colby Sears said…
@Anthony Kennedy

That's the truth! The little dusting we had this morning was just a tease.....I want some snow before the winter is over!
Anonymous said…
I wish this was happening this year! :( I'm putting all of my hope into February for snow this year!
-Allie Zelinski
Jill O'Connor said…
This year, I'm anticipating a frequent snowfall starting in October. The more snow days, the better!

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