Six Flags

I'm so excited. My favorite field trip is happening tomorrow. Math Day at Six Flags. Even the forecasted rain will not dampen my enthusiasm for this trip. I get excited seeing my students so excited about this trip. I just wish it didn't take place when there were so many school athletic events going on. I would love all my students to be able to participate. I apologize to all my athletes. Good luck at your games and matches tomorrow afternoon.


kerrin said…
I'm so excited for six flags!!!
pete danko said…
I am really upset that I could not go because right now I'm writing this from spanish class and it is still questionable as to whether we will have our match or not. Hopefully we will end up having the match so I feel there was a reason for me not attending haha.
Kevin Fisher said…
I hope you guys have/are having a great time! I hope there is no rain! :)
Kevin Fisher said…
Oh unfortunate...
Dean Kennedy said…
The Andrew Ethier said…
my game did not get cancelled and i actually got an at bat and walked to its probably over all a good thing i didnt go even though i would have rather been there.
Jess Sumner said…
haha andrew its great your game was good! i also widh that the sports people were able to go it would have been so fun with more ppl!
BMcK said…
Six Flags was great! Despite the slight chilly weather it was fantastic!
Chad said…
I'm so glad that the rain held off that day. It ended up being really nice out.
Tristen said…
Six Flags is my favorite!! I love their water parks... Those best choice for summer day!!!!!!!
liz f. said…
i felt really bad when i heard it was going to rain on the field trip, but it seemed like everyone had a good time so that's good.
Caroline A said…
I didn't get to go freshman year because of softball, but I'm glad I went this year! It was a lot of fun!
marier said…
Before Six Flags, I was so excited! Even though the weather was supposed to be rainy, I still could not wait! I had only been to Six Flags once before and I had a blast and I knew that I would have fun again. And I'm sorry that you couldn't go freshman year Caroline! I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't have gone this year.
Eric Ippoliti said…
I wish I went but I thought tennis needed me...guess I was wrong.
kerrin said…
Kevin and Pete, its too bad you didnt get to go to Six Flags and then your match got cancelled. We missed you!
Sam Phillips said…
I'm glad the weather held out for everyone that went to Six Flags. It sounds like everyone had a good time.
Nicolettes said…
We are so lucky it didn't rain! And basically every ride was open which was great!
Nicolettes said…
And pete, thats a stinker! Next year definitely! ps- in order for me to publish this post the word verification is "matha' haha :)
Jessica B said…
I know it's a little late to be commenting. But i will anyway. I wish i could have went to six flags with everyone! After seeing all the pictures and hearing some stories it sounded like a great day!
Jessica B said…
to comment on a couple of people's, It's awsome that the rain held didn't come, even if it did i know that the group who did go woulod have had a blast.
Anonymous said…
Like Marie, I've only been to Six Flags once before. The Superman ride was closed then too so I've never been on it!! It was so much fun catching up with friends and going on the rides!!
Dean Kennedy said…
who is this tristen fellow?
Eric Ippoliti said…
Six flags is great, kinda wish I went.
JessQuintanilha said…
I went to Six Flags my freshmen year and it was so fun! (: The weather was cloudy but I didn't even notice I had such a good time. I didn't even mind taking measurements because after I was done I had the rest of the day to go on the rides! I would definately suggest taking measurements and doing out the calculations on the bus so you have the most time possible on rides. The bus ride is a good hour so there's plenty of time to do the math. (:
Elise Stafford said…
Elise Stafford said…
I want to go to 6 Flags again, really bad. I just didn't like doing my packet the whole ride home. It made me feel horrible. It could have been all of the sugar I had though from the pixie sticks.
Chad said…
It's cool Eric. The Superman wasn't even open.
Joe Petrelli said…
Did it rain at all? The weather looks pleasant in the pictures.
Anonymous said…
Even though I did not go, I'm kinda wishing i did go now. I feel bad for Eric and the other tennis players whose matches were cancelled. Like Joe I am wondring if it rained there because the pictures do look nice.

~Tom L
Unknown said…
So, I know the Six Flags trip was a while ago, but I am so happy I got to go! I totally agree with Elise; I want to go again really bad! It was really fun, and the rain was not bad at all!

It stinks for all the students who had to miss the trip due to sports. My situation was really tricky, and I'm glad I finally got to go!

Thanks for organizing the trip, Mrs. Taylor!
Julia Ariola said…
yeah I feel bad for the people who couldn't go because it was really fun! and I agree with Chad that it turned out to be a good day for an amusement park.
Olivia said…
This picture is even cuter!!!
Anonymous said…
I would hate to miss six flags because of a game! Such a let down!

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