So much to do so little time
Only 2 more days of school and then April vacation starts. There are so many things that I want to do during vacation and I doubt that I will have time to do it all. I find that I let so many things g0 during the school year. I just keep saying, "I will do that during vacation." Now I have too many things to do and only one week to do them. One thing I have to do is visit my sister. She and her family moved to New York State 2 years ago and I have not gone out to visit them yet. (I know I am a terrible sister) I will make sure I see her and my niece and nephew during April vacation. I have another niece that lives on the cape and missed her 6th birthday party back in March (because I was in New Jersey) so I have to go see her and deliver her birthday present present, 2 months late. I have a few books that I bought months ago and haven't even started to read yet so I need to have free time to read. And like every school vacation my children have dentist appointments. It is so much easier to have them on vacation so no one misses a day of school. While I make plans to do these things I have to keep an eye on my sons baseball schedule because he has practice Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Then the season begins with games Thursday night and Saturday afternoon. I'm getting tired just writing about all this. I just have to remember that after this vacation there are only 8 weeks left in the school year.
~Tom L
carolyn le
I'll be doing easy work and getting paid all Aprail Vacation<3 Even better...