So much to do so little time

Only 2 more days of school and then April vacation starts. There are so many things that I want to do during vacation and I doubt that I will have time to do it all. I find that I let so many things g0 during the school year. I just keep saying, "I will do that during vacation." Now I have too many things to do and only one week to do them. One thing I have to do is visit my sister. She and her family moved to New York State 2 years ago and I have not gone out to visit them yet. (I know I am a terrible sister) I will make sure I see her and my niece and nephew during April vacation. I have another niece that lives on the cape and missed her 6th birthday party back in March (because I was in New Jersey) so I have to go see her and deliver her birthday present present, 2 months late. I have a few books that I bought months ago and haven't even started to read yet so I need to have free time to read. And like every school vacation my children have dentist appointments. It is so much easier to have them on vacation so no one misses a day of school. While I make plans to do these things I have to keep an eye on my sons baseball schedule because he has practice Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Then the season begins with games Thursday night and Saturday afternoon. I'm getting tired just writing about all this. I just have to remember that after this vacation there are only 8 weeks left in the school year.


colleenoneil said…
I agree, there is so much to do this vacation. I have to look go to look at come colleges and do a million errands. Mostly my vacation will consist of doing homework. Because I will be in California the whole week after vacation, i am trying to get some of my make up work done ahead of time so ill be very busy. I just want summer to come!
Aaron said…
Yay! Only 8 weeks to go. It is going to go by so fast.
Anonymous said…
Agreed, edward. Then hey we really are seniors!!!!!!
Caroline A said…
I'm not doing anything too exciting over vacation. I have track practice all week, some homework, and I might visit colleges. I agree about being busy during the school year and not having much free time. I didn't realize there's only 8 weeks left of school!
Kevin said…
I'm soooo glad that we are on vacation!!!! This past week has been crazy and relaxation is a plus! :)
Anonymous said…
Aaron is right that these 8 weeks will go by fast but I need to remember to stay focused on my school work. Ulike you Mrs. Taylor, I'm in Florida relaxing. Hope you accomplish everything you want to this week.

~Tom L
Mary Taylor said…
Tom, I am so jealous. I would love to be in Florida right now.
Jess Sumner said…
haha i had so much planned for vacation and so many things i need to do! but i still havnt done any of it! ive just been out enjoying vacation. but my mom does the same thing i have a dentist and doctors appointment this week.
BMcK said…
I had such ambition pn travelling to colleges before vacation but now its over and nothing was done
kerrin said…
April vacation went by fast and was busy, but relaxing and a good break from school!
Sam Phillips said…
I think that the best part of April vacation is that its a sign of the summer approaching. 8 weeks sounds like a long time now, but I'm sure its going to fly by.
The Andrew Ethier said…
well i went to SC to look at a college and then i was up at quarter to 5 the rest of the vaca when i got back wednesday because i have to be at work by 545 in hte morning.
Eric Ippoliti said…
I have to go to my Dual Enrollment Class at Wheaton still...oh well. At least I get to leave at 12:45 everyday after May 7th!
katebaird said…
Just like Mrs. Taylor my mom always schedules doctors and dentists appointments over vacation! It's so annoying thats not a fun vacation! haha and I did the same thing as Andrew, I went to visit colleges, but I went mostly to Virginia and North Carolina. And I agree with Jess I had planned to get a lot done, but didn't really do any of it. :/
Caroline A said…
I wish it was still vacation! I had so much free time and now that it's over I'm really busy again. I'm still trying to get used to being back in school.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Kerrin, April vacation was very fast and busy, but also a great break. I spent most of the vacation visiting family, which can be stressful but also boatloads of fun!
carolyn le
Kevin Fisher said…
AGREED KATE AND JESS! I had so much scheduled over break...but I legit didn't start anything until Sunday night :)
Joe said…
i agree with brad, i was planning to go visit some colleges but once it became vaca i just didnt feel like it anymore. it went by way to quickly (i think)
marier said…
There's only about 29 days left! I cannot believe it at allll haha. I wish I had the time to visit colleges like Kate but I couldn't at all April vacation. I am definitely planning on doing that very soon, especially over the summer.
Nicolettes said…
I already visited 8 colleges! only two being local! I'm excited for only 28 school days though!
Anonymous said…
My sister and my neice live in South Carolina so it's really hard not being able to them. It's crazy how fast my neice is growing up. I went to see them over April vacation and had an awesome time. Like Caroline, I had plans to visit some colleges. I saw some really beautiful campuses in South Carolina.
Dean Kennedy said…
can we just be done now?
JessQuintanilha said…
I know my vacation was very busy! For most of it I was preparing to go to California; going shopping for summer clothes and packing. I also had a lot of work to do because of what I was going to miss. Vacations are a good time to rest and catch up on things that need to be done!
Dean Kennedy said…
I want to go to California! My friend from Sharon just finished an internship at Walt Disney World and he's going to do the same thing in Disneyland in a couple of days.
Elise Stafford said…
You are crazy, you are sauppose to relax on vacation. Not be stressed. I agree with Aaron, 8 weeks! Woot! Even though now it's wayyy less..! :) :) :)
I'll be doing easy work and getting paid all Aprail Vacation<3 Even better...
Joe Petrelli said…
Wow...I know this was a while ago but it still goes to show how busy you are Mrs. Taylor.
colleenoneil said…
April VAcation was so busy and Ive had so much homeowrk and projects ever since then. I dont know about anyone else, but i cant wait for summer vacation!
JessQuintanilha said…
Wow that'd be so fun Dean! How did he do an internship with Walt Disney in Sharon? But that's a really great opportunity and it's definately a good company to intern with. I'm sure his internship will help him alot in the future!
pete danko said…
For some reason as I get closer to the end of the school year it seems like I'm getting busier and busier. I'm pretty pumped that we only have a few more days!
pete danko said…
And commenting on college visiting..I haven't visited any yet haha. This summer though my mom, dad, and I are going down to NC and VA to check some of the out that I'm looking at.
Olivia said…
You must have been a busy bee!
Anonymous said…
It's so hard to see family from other states. I have family in Pennsylvania that I see only once or twice a year, but when we are together its like we were never apart! I love family.
Jill O'Connor said…
April Vacation is the perfect taste of summer!
Olivia said…
When I lived in California, I only saw my extended family once a year. Now, they live a couple streets down from me!

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