The End is near

Wow, it's term 4. Can you believe that this school year is just about over? This is always a difficult time to keep your focus. I know I have to push myself harder to get things done. The warm weather makes me want to go outside and do things instead of staying in to make up a test or correct one. We need to make sure that we stay on task for just two more months.


Elise Stafford said…
How about we go outside and learn? Yup I think that is a great idea, then we're all happy
colleenoneil said…
I know i cant believe summer is so close! It sure doesnt feel like it now with the cold weather. I cant wait for summer but its sort of sad that Junior year is ending, becauseits so weird that were gonna be seniors!
The Andrew Ethier said…
we do need to figure out how to stay focused it will be very hard but i think we can do it. the thing that distracts me the most is when i should be doing my homework at night, im watching the red sox and soon, the celtics playoffs!
Kevin F said…
I am sooo glad junior year is coming to a close! Even though it's been tough, this year's workload has taught me how to use time wisely and get as much done before practice/work! All-nighter's definitely start to get old. I just CANT WAIT until Senior year :D It's gonna be greaattt!
Rebecca Ohlson said…
I totally agree. The last thing I want to do is sit in a hot, stuffy classroom for 6 hours when it is warm. I would rather be home reading a book (or better yet--sleeping!)
BMcK said…
I have had extreme attention issues, and I blame term 4!
Anonymous said…
I agree with colleen, i can not believe that summer is finaly here after a long cold winter. I was very discouraged about it snowing the other day though, i was not expecting that seeing as the day before it was like 65! it is really hard to focus during the fourth term though :(

~Tom L
The Andrew Ethier said…
i disagree with the reading a book thing becca when its wicked nice out why would you want to stay inside and read a book or sleep? thats no fun!
Aaron said…
I agree with Kevin this year has been tough. There is just so much work and right now we all don't feel like staying on task. It wil be difficult but because we are so close we just have to push through and summer will be here soon.
liz f. said…
I don't know why, but this year I've had so much trouble staying focused. And I agree...the warm weather doesn't help.
Caroline A said…
This year did seem like it went by fast! I agree about not being able to focus with the warm weather outside. I tend to wait until the last minute to get work done more and more as the end of the year gets closer. I can't believe we'll be seniors next year! :)
Jess Sumner said…
I'm having such a difficult time staying focused! the warm weather makes it so much easier to get distracted and just stare out the window. all i want to do is go outside!
Taylor F said…
I argree with Jess 100%. I'd stare out the window at a nice sunny day, but realize I have too much to do. Hopefully term four will go by as fast as the first three, so we all can enjoy the nice weather! Senior year is just around the corner!!
Chad said…
I pretty much agree with Elise. How about we go outside for math for the rest of the year, Mrs. Taylor?
BMcK said…
I agree with Chad. Learning outside would be fantastic
kerrin said…
I can't wait for summer, I need a break from all of this years work. Like Kevin, I also can't wait for senior year!
Sam Phillips said…
I'm finding it really hard to stay focused on term four right now. With the SATS, AP tests, and finals approaching, I think the end of the year is going to be a crunch.
The Andrew Ethier said…
I like chads idea i would enjoy the oppurtunity to continue working on my tan i have already started from baseball
Eric Ippoliti said…
Kevin's right, senior year is going to be sweet! Not only will us juniors be at the top of the food chain (finally), but also we get to choose more of our own classes.
kerrin said…
I agree with Sam, with all the SAT stuff and AP test stuff, the end of the year will be difficult
katebaird said…
I agree with Caroline this year has been so busy and has gone by so fast. I also agree with Mrs. Taylor its hard to want to do homework when its so beautiful outside. At least we're almost done!
Caroline A said…
8 weeks of school left seems like a long time so I prefer to think of it as only 40 days! I think once May is over, June will go by fast and then summer! :)
Anonymous said…
I am looking forward to summer this year, because, like Kevin, I cannot wait for junior year to end. But other than that, I am still wishing it was winter.
PRiYA! said…
I agree with Kevin. I absolutely can't wait til senior year!! It is going an awesome year!

The amount of work this year has been so extensive that I just can't wait til summer. The beautiful weather definately does not help! Like Kate, I can't even get myself to do homework with such great weather. We just gotta fight through, and before we know it, it'll be SUMMER!!
Kevin Fisher said…
Kate, I definitely agree with you. I dread coming home to do homework every night because it is so nice out!
liz f. said…
i agree, i am really looking forward to summer this year. i can't believe high school is almost over!
marier said…
I'm soooo excited for summer! The nice weather makes me sad that we still have to spend 7 hours in school and miss out on being outside haha. And, like Liz, I cannot believe that my junior year is ending soon. I feel like I have so much more time left in high school than I actually do haha
Nicolettes said…
I actually thought this year went by terribly slow! I can not wait for summer! We're going to be seniorsssss!
Anonymous said…
I can't believe this year is almost over. I'm finding it harder and harder to focus on school work because I'm so excited for summer. Like Liz said, it's kind of weird to think that I only have one more year of high school left!!
Alyssa Graham said…
This has been one exciting year, and its nice that its almost over because that means summer vacation, but I agree with Liz. It's definitely hard to believe that high school is almost over.
Dean Kennedy said…
does Junioritis exist? haha
Julia Ariola said…
yeah i can't believe theres only a few weeks left! its so hard to stay focused though when its so nice out- i get so much more done when the weathers horrible
JessQuintanilha said…
I know for me it's definately harder to keep focus at the end of the year. Especially since the weather is so nice! Summer is my favorite time of year and I love being outside. I'd much rather be laying outside than doing homework. Even though I'll miss everyone I can't wait for summer to start! (:
Dean Kennedy said…
I still need to make up a math test from a million years ago. Oops!
Joe Petrelli said…
Speaking of not being able to stay focused...I am supposed to be finishing a Fibonacci project. Haha oops
JessQuintanilha said…
I agree with Dean, Junioritis definately does exist! It's almost the end to what people say is the hardest year of high school and I know for me is hard to stay focused. But I think no matter what grade you're in everyone gets a little lazy at the end of the year. I like school but I can't wait to be on vacation with no homework and stress free!
Keiko C said…
I agree with Elise, we need to have class outside! We'd all be happy that way. But I do think that all of us juniors have the worst case of senioritis ever (and we're only juniors, imagine next year!) Forget the two months, with summer within my grasp, I don't want to do anything anymore.
colleenoneil said…
now finally we have one full day of school left and 4 days of finals! then we are free for the summer, i dont know about anyone else but i cant wait!
Anonymous said…
Staying on task gets increasingly harder as it gets warmer and warmer!
Jill O'Connor said…
I wonder what a class outside would be like.
Olivia said…
Especially when there aren't any fans...

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