New Courses at Norton High

We are at a time in the school year that all academic coordinators turn in any proposals they have for a new course to be offered next year. I have been busy because I am proposing 3 new courses. I would like to offer a project based math class. This class would use the algebra and geometry that students have mastered to be applied to projects. (hopefully fun projects) One project requires that the students make model hang gliders and we will fly them, unmanned, out the window to find projections of weight and distance. Groups will also design buildings using geometric shapes.
The second course I would like to see offered is an introduction to engineering. This class would have some time in the math classroom as well as time in CAD class and in the shop with Mr. Brown. I am very excited about this course. Students will get a hands on experience of math and science being used in the engineering world.
The third course is a semester class in computer programming. It is called Alice. I have been having fun with this animated world of programming. You can check it out at The program is free. I have to give written proposals to Mr. Dewar and he will present them to the school committee some time in February. If they are approved I hope you will sign up for one of more of them.


Anonymous said…
Wow. All of these new classes sound great! If I could I would take all of them. When you showed us the Alice program in class it looked interesting. I would really like to take the project based class. Im not the greatest test taker math wise so project grades would be a HUGE help. Sadly I wont be here next year to even consider taking any of those classes. But I hope you are able to get them all going. I think everyone will enjoy them.
Anonymous said…
i remember seeing the alice program in the classroom that day you showed us and it looked really fun. the penquins dancing was awesome. i would deffinitly be interested in taking that class.
Anonymous said…
I would take all of these classes! What would happen with the engineering 1 if with the CAD protion because I'm about to finish that class now. Which 1s are full year and which 1s are just semester courses?
Mary Taylor said…
The engineering class is a full year class. You get 5 credits. The CAD and shop portion are each worth 2.5 credits, but they are not necessarily a certain semester. CAD/shop is a full year course with 2.5 credits for each portion. The engineering CAD class is going to be different than the regular CAD and all of the classes are going to be honors level. This all depends on them being okayed and then we have to have at least 15 people sign up for the course.
Anonymous said…
It is great that we are potentially offering an engineering class; many of the surrounding schools have this program, and I'm glad we finally do as well.
Anonymous said…
I would definately take the engeneering class! It sounds like something I would actually enjoy doing.
marier said…
The project-based course sounds like fun. I don't really like doing all that book-work, and I do enjoy projects a lot more. I have to agree with Erica that the Alice program looked interesting when you showed us in class.
Anonymous said…
I would have to say that the computer program you showed the class looked like a lot of fun! Only I already took computer applications so I don't need to take another computer course. I wish I had known about this new course before I signed up for computer apps! I probably would have waited to take my computer course.
Anonymous said…
I like the idea of the computer programming class. I liked the program Alice. I agree with Erica and Joe: I think it looks like fun, and I hope it gets passed!
I also agree with Kevin. I think its really good that we might finally be offering an Engineering class; it could help so many people with their futures, if theyre interested in engineering.
Anonymous said…
Kevin had a good point. It's nice to see that Norton is finally catching up in a way with other schools around us. So many other schools offer more specialized classes like the ones you are starting. And soon Norton will be one of them.
Nicolettes said…
ooh they all sound really interesting! the project based class would be fun and Alice sounds awesome too!
elizabeth faxon said…
ok so that alice program that you showed in class was so cool. i totally want to take that class if its offered. it sounds like a ton of fun.

Anonymous said…
I think it's great that we're going to have some many new opportunities at Norton High. I think the programming class will attract a lot of people since video game developers seem to be in demand.
Anonymous said…
An engineering class sounds like fun. I would definetly take it next year if we have it.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Marie and Erica, the project-based class sounds like fun. I feel like a great many people would enjoy it.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Kevin and Erica, having a better variety of classes would be nice, and I think its even better the way an engineering class would combine aspects of math and computer sciences.
elizabeth faxon said…
I also like the fact that norton high is considering the idea of using more technology in the classrooms.
elizabeth faxon said…
i just realized that i'm in computer apps next term and i wish this class was availble so i could totally switch out :)
Anonymous said…
I'm really excited about the engineering course. I think I want to be a mechanical engineer so this course will let me see what is involved in engineering. The computer programming course looks fun too. I think the project class would be time consuming for students but that's just my opinion. I'm glad teachers like you are putting in the effort to get new electives for next year! :)
Anonymous said…
Those classes actually sound interesting. Especially that Alice program you showed us. I might take that if it becomes an elective.
Anonymous said…
the classes look awesome but to be honest i wouldnt take them. Im not a big engineering/building kinda person. I do think that the classes would be a great addition at the school though.
Anonymous said…
I really like the idea of Alice. i found it really interesting when you showed us the computer programing with your penguin. I also like the first class you were mentioning, i love geomerty and algerbra.
Anonymous said…
I also want to agree with Erica, I'm not the best test taker either; i tend to freeze up and forget what I have learned when i fell rushed. Which is why i like the idea of projects.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Aaron, an engineering class would be awesome because I would like to pursue an engineering career in the future

Tom Larsen
Anonymous said…
How about AP Computer Science or AP Stats? Have these been looked into?
Anonymous said…
I agree with Kevin, my friends in Mansfield tell me about the interesting classes they have, so it would be great to have new classes too. I would definetly take the engineering class.
Anonymous said…
i cant wait for next year. although im not sure if i will take the classes or not (since they dont pertain to wat i plan on majoring) i am happy we are finally getting intersting classes. I no that frank was upset that we didn't have an engineering class when he was going here.
Anonymous said…
Like Kevin said, it's nice that Norton High is getting some classes that other schools around us already have. I'm not a big project person at all, but some people really do well on those types of things. I'd rather take a test than do a project. Tests are much more straight forward, and you don't have to make them "neat and creative". Not to say I don't like being creative, I just don't like to be graded on it. I think the Alice program seems really cool. I really liked the in class demo!
~Cassidy G.
Anonymous said…
I feel as if the Engineering class is a great idea and would really give me a feel on what I would like to do for the rest of my life. I have my own opinion's my but dad really thinks engineering would be a good idea for me. I would love to try this class just so I could get a better idea!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Erica also on the test taking idea, projects would be a HUGE plus! But Erica we're all going to miss youuuuuuu!!!
Anonymous said…
Currently I am working on a grant from BSC for the Applied Mathematics course and all the supplies it needs with all of its projects. I thought you might find that intriguing.
Anonymous said…
A pretty much have all my courses picked out for 09-10. Shame none of them are new courses...
Anonymous said…
The only reason I will not be taking the engineering course is becuase of the fact it will occupy two periods. That means I will be unable to take all of the other senior year courses like physics
Anonymous said…
All these new classes are going to be great for new opportunites for students! I definitily think these new classes will help Norton High School stand out from other schools!
Anonymous said…
I am disapointed that the engeneering course requires so much class space. It is ten credits, and there is no room in my schedule for that many. I wish there was.
Alyssa Graham said…
I agree with Aaron that it is a little disappointing that the engineering class is going to take up a big percentage of my year next year, but I think its going to be worth the ten credits.
Olivia said…
I hope the new AP physics class is successful this year. Mrs. Donovan seems like a fantastic teacher.
Anonymous said…
These classes are so popular now! I had no idea that you brought them to the high school!
Olivia said…
I've gotten some great reviews about Alice

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