
What a winter we are having! Can you believe that there is another chance of snow for Wednesday? Everyone that knows me is aware that I love snow. I get so excited when I hear about snow storms. I will watch several different TV stations to see how much they are predicting and for this storm they seem to all be around 8 inches. Makes you think, Snow Day? Since I am so interested in weather I was searching the internet for examples of math used by meteorologists and I came across an interesting powerpoint titled "Math used in Meteorology" check it out when you have a chance.
Happy shoveling.


elizabeth faxon said…
i love snow just like you mrs taylor. im kind of bad about it because i make my mom wake up and check for school cancellations. it would ruin the snow day if i got up early! :)
Anonymous said…
I don't shovel, I have a snow blower! Haha, but I can not wait for this snow storm!! I'm exuberant!
Anonymous said…
having no school on wednesday would be clutch. It would make teh week go by so much faster and that is better for everyone.
Anonymous said…
I love snow too! I don't like the cold weather that much, but the snow makes up for it! I agree with Liz about making my mom watch for school cancellations so I can sleep in if there's a snow day! :p
Anonymous said…
I can't believe we actually have school today! I agree with Andrew, the week goes by so much faster if we get a snow day.
Anonymous said…
Like Andrew, I did not want to have school. I wish we could've had the day off today even though we didnt get that much snow
Anonymous said…
I love snow days too!!! I also love the snow!! I can't belive we didn't have a snow day and how many people were being called out.
Anonymous said…
I am soo ANGRY that we did not have a snow day, school that day was pointless. Everyone was dismissed anyways. I is understandable, but I just didn't want to be here. I don't think anyone really did..
Anonymous said…
I like the snow too but I am getting tired of it. If it's going to snow, then either snow just enough to cover everything and look nice or just enough to close school. I've had enough of shoveling. But I didn't have to shovel this time because I'm sick! My mom and sister had to do it!
Anonymous said…
I love the snow its always fun and i never have to shovel. But i do have to snowblow sometimes.
Anonymous said…
I love the snow. My favorite season is winter, so the more snow the better. Unfortunately I always have to shovel at my house.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Sam, snow is great. However, I wouldn't say winter is my favorite season...I generally enjoy the warm weather. Spring is great because the mood is so uplifting after the cold winter; summer is even better because of no school!
Anonymous said…
I love the snow like unless its very snowy on days i have to drive to school and work in it. Sam is right when he says unfortunatly we have to shovel it. I have a big driveway and it takes forever to shovel and I am always stuck doing it.

Thomas Larsen
Anonymous said…
Persomally i am not a very big fan of snow, unless it gets us out of school of course! But in general i enjoy the warm summery weather more than the winter. I want the snow to stop!
Anonymous said…
I am a huge fan of snow!! But I have to agree with Eric, spring is a happy season, and also my favorite.
carolyn le
Nicolettes said…
I HATE THE SNOW!!! it is cold, wet, and gross. but since global warming is going to kill it all soon im trying to enjoy it anyways! I don't want any snow days thought, because i don't want to have to be in school any longer into the summer.
Anonymous said…
I love snow because I never actually have to shovel, and I wont be here the last week of school so I wont have to go on the snow days at the end of the year. Yeah snow days!
Anonymous said…
I like the snow but im with dean,its too tiring. I want just enough to cancel school beacuse any more becomes a burden. It has to be moved and there is no place to put all of the snow!
The power point is cool though.
Anonymous said…
I feel that snow looks nice but is very irratating because of the cold. I love heat!
Anonymous said…
My favorite part of winter is snow days! I don't really like the cold weather, the snow is pretty but I'm more of a summer person. But I do love snow days! (:
Anonymous said…
When I was little I always used to love snow, but that was before I had to start shoveling...
I still love snow, but I'm pretty happy that it's all starting to melt.
Anonymous said…
I hate the snow after a while. I finally thought it was over and it was starting to get warm again and then out of nowhere more cold and snow! Will this winter ever end? :(
Anonymous said…
We should have had school called off.
marier said…
I love snow too! Mostly because my birthday is in the winter, but I love how pretty everything looks covered in snow. But I have to agree with Kate that after a while, the snow gets a little old and I end up wanting some warmer weather. I cannot wait for summer!
Anonymous said…
We FINALLY got a snow day! NICE
Anonymous said…
worst snow day ever
Anonymous said…
I agree with Kate, I think its time for spring to come! Im sick of Winter! I mean i love snow days but im ready for the warmth!!!!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Chad; snow, while cold, used to be fun except for shovelling
Anonymous said…
What is the smallest amount of snow that will merit a snow day, do you think?
Olivia said…
The new superintendent better give us lots of snow days!

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