Its a Great Time to be at Norton High School

Have you looked at the school calendar lately? There is so much going on here at Norton High School. We have the BIG Superbowl game saturday, which I am very excited about. Hopefully I will see lots of you there, but before that we have the snowball dance Friday night for the freshmen and sophomores. Next week we have the holiday concert Wednesday night and the honor society inductions Thursday night. I believe there is a TR-M recital tonight as well. December certainly is a busy time here at Norton High School. Enjoy all the festivities.


Anonymous said…
WOW i didnt realize how busy December is! Sadly i cant go to the football game on saturday because i have a driving lesson but I really hope we win! But i will definitly be going to the winter concert next wednesday! :)
Anonymous said…
I can't wait for the football game!Playing at gillete stadium is a big deal so congratulations to all football players! And I'm excited for induction was fun last year so I'm hoping it will be again this year. December is crazy but it is so fun and we get a vacation soon!
Anonymous said…
December does look really busy! Not only are there a lot of school activities but Christmas is coming which means lots of shopping and holiday parties! The superbowl game will be so fun, pretty much everyone I know is going to support the football team. I can't wait, hopefully we win!
-Jess Quintanilha
Nicolettes said…
i know! this time of year is always so busy! I am definitely going to the Super Bowl saturday and i'm so excited! Plus i've had driving lessons to finish up, and thinking about what to get my friends and family for Christmas! But this vacation is going to be a great one after all the hardwork and stuff going on!
Nicolettes said…
i know! this time of year is always so busy! I am definitely going to the Super Bowl saturday and i'm so excited! Plus i've had driving lessons to finish up, and thinking about what to get my friends and family for Christmas! But this vacation is going to be a great one after all the hardwork and stuff going on!
Anonymous said…
This month is going to be packed. With the activities you mentioned and projects before and through vacation. Schedules will be packed.
Anonymous said…
Hopefully all the things going on this month will make the next three weeks go by fast until vacation! Go football team!
Anonymous said…
I love the activities and definitely the involvement of everyone!! :D

...maybe since we're so busy, we'll get a homework break here and there? ;)
Anonymous said…
I must agree. It is SUPER busy. I dont know how i am fitting everything in to the 24 hours per day. Along with everything that Mrs. Taylor just mentioned, there are clubs, practices, meetings, work, and homework. Dont forget about the Babysitting night coming up. Plus, everyone needs to eat and sleep sometime. I think we need another hour in the day to fit everything, haha.
Anonymous said…
ill be singing in that holiday concert. We are really really good this year.
Anonymous said…
I usually have plans every Saturday morning but I'm definitely blowing them off to go to the game
Mary Taylor said…
Kevin....I may just be willing to grant that homework break and yes I agree with rebecca we need another hour or two in the day to do everything.
Anonymous said…
Oh nicolette! Thanks for reminding me December is extra busy because i have to find presents for my friends and family! wow i cant wait for vacation so I can finally get a break!
Anonymous said…
I agree that December is a busy time, and i also agree with Brad about how teachers love to give projects before christmas break.
Thomas Larsen
Anonymous said…
I agree with rebecca also, there deffinetly isn't enough hours in the day. This time of year is always busy until x-mass break, esspecially school work. I think its because this is such a short stressfull term with the two vacations and then midterms at the end.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Mrs. Taylor .. :) and YEAH DELEGATES, dont forget about the babysitting night!
Anonymous said…
I love that December is so busy!! Not only does being busy all the time make December fly by, but it also builds up anticipation for the holidays!
Anonymous said…
December is definitely an extremely busy month. Everything from homework to tests to projects is packed in before we leave for vacation, so it gets hectic quick. Luckily, the hardwork will be worth it once christmas time and vacation arrive.
Anonymous said…
December is such a busy month! My agenda for the whole month is packed. I dont even think I have one free day. There is something for every night, not to mention all the AP english homework for this month. Hopefully the holiday vacation will be peaceful so everyone will have time to relax and recover from a busy month!
Anonymous said…
I love the holiday season!!! It is the best time ever! And today... it snowed!! FINALLY! lol

Kevin, don't worry babysitting night will be a good turnout if all the parents are running around for the holidays.

As Caroline said, hopefully all these events will make time fly by and December break will be here in no time!
Anonymous said…
december is a very busy month not only is there a lot going on at school but like most other people i have sum shopping to get done and am working almost everyday so until christmas ill have no spare time
Anonymous said…
yeah december is always so busy. I usually have three or four concerts to get ready for and most of the time we have a test in every subject right before vacation. But its nice to be able to relax over break.
Anonymous said…
its to bad the football players lost and the rest of the stuff going on this month is all well and good but clearly the most exciting thing is next week on tuesday and friday we have our first 2 home varsity basketball games and we will dominate.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Great game/time on Saturday even though they lost.
Anonymous said…
December really is busy. It's the time when everyone tries to finish their work before the Christmas break. I can't wait until December 23rd!
Anonymous said…
I agree with everyone, December is always so busy. I never have enough time with homework and everything else going on. The month usually flies by. I'm really excited about the first snow though!
marier said…
I definitely agree with Rebecca, it's almost ridiculous how much things I need to get done in one day. The day needs to be longer haha. But I do agree with Taylor that all this work helps December go by quicker, and makes the holidays seem to arrive sooner. I don't know when I'll find the time to buy presents and decorate, but I'm sure I'll be able to get it all done.
Anonymous said…
p.s. ---- Happy (early) Birthday Elise!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Christmas break is almost here, and this month has definitely proven to be extremely busy! I've had so many quizzes, and there are a bunch of tests planned for the upcoming days.
Anonymous said…
I went to every one of the festivities you listed there except for the Superbowl! ):
I wanted to see that the most and I wish they had won,but either way, they had a great season!
Anonymous said…
December was definately a busy month there was so much going on it was really nice to get the break.
Anonymous said…
I didnt realize how busy December was until after it was over! There was really A LOT going on.
I agree with Pat, it was really nice to have the break, in order to stop the chaos of the business!
Anonymous said…
I can't wait until our chorus holiday concert. It's already shaping up to be a true delight!
Olivia said…
December is the first AP math Saturday Session, right? Can't wait for the pizza

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