First Chapter Test
I just finished correcting one class of Pre-calc tests. It took over 3 hours to correct the tests. I spent most of the time writing notes on why the answers were wrong. I put a lot of effort into making a review sheet to do for homework and then another to post on edline. I wish my students put the same amount of effort into doing those sheets and preparing for the test. There were four perfect test scores of 100 and I congratulate all of you that worked hard to prepare for this test. I was disappointed in the number of students that did poorly. I hope my students take this as a learning experience and if they did poorly they will try harder for the next one. You need to put a lot of effort into a Pre-calculus class if you want to be successful.
-Joe C
The End
-Brad McKeen
I bet it was stupid errors that I didn't go back to check, as usual.
Thomas Larsen
-Jess Quintanilha