First Chapter Test

I just finished correcting one class of Pre-calc tests. It took over 3 hours to correct the tests. I spent most of the time writing notes on why the answers were wrong. I put a lot of effort into making a review sheet to do for homework and then another to post on edline. I wish my students put the same amount of effort into doing those sheets and preparing for the test. There were four perfect test scores of 100 and I congratulate all of you that worked hard to prepare for this test. I was disappointed in the number of students that did poorly. I hope my students take this as a learning experience and if they did poorly they will try harder for the next one. You need to put a lot of effort into a Pre-calculus class if you want to be successful.


Anonymous said…
I can honestly say that there is no other teacher in the school, (that I've had), that puts as much time into their grading and preparation for the tests. Thank you very much for all your help!
Anonymous said…
I think i did well on the test. There were some problems that I forgot how to do but over all I did good. I did the review sheet (which i appreciate greatly). I am putting in effort and do want to succeed.
Anonymous said…
The review sheets on edline really helped me to prepare for the test. Also, notes that you make on my test help me to see my mistakes and understand the problem.
Anonymous said…
I understand where you're coming from Mrs.Taylor, that is annoying. I just hope I did ok =) Hah
Anonymous said…
I agree with Kevin, no other math teacher does so much to help us review for the test. Some of the questions of the sheet were on the test! i no that the sheet helped me, and with out it know i wouldn't have done as well.
-Joe C
Anonymous said…
I felt really prepared before I took the test. I recognized a lot of the types of questions from the review sheets. I hope I was one of those 100s!
Anonymous said…
Kerrin, I do agree with you on what you said about Mrs. Taylor thoroughly grading our tests. It takes some of the stress off us students, where our mistake is clearly visible.
marier said…
I understand where you're coming from. And I agree with Kevin that you spend a lot of time going over problems and posting extra review sheets on edline to help your students. I find these review sheets very helpful. I hope that I did well on the test.
Anonymous said…
I think its great how you spend so much time making review sheets becuase they really help me with tests. Its hard to study for math when you aren't really sure how much you understand.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Kevin, I've never had a teacher who spent this much time preparing us for tests. Thank-you!
Anonymous said…
When preparing for the test, I totally forgot about the review sheets you posted on edline! I did well on the test though because i did practice problems from the book, but I looked at the review sheet afterwards and realized many of the problems from it were on the test! Next time I will be sure to use it.
Anonymous said…
I truthfully feel that with all the material that you gave us for the test, that everyone should have gotten a one hundred. I realize you are frustrated with the portion of the student body that consistantly got the questions wrong. Most of the questions on the test we went over 1 for summer assignment 2 in class before quiz 3 after the quiz to ensure correct 4 test reveiw sheet 5 day of the test questions. I was truthfully slightly bored. I agree with kerrin as how the reveiw sheets helped by revealing some problems and a few definite test answers

The End
-Brad McKeen
Anonymous said…
I can agree with Kevin on this one. I really do appreciate all of the time you take to grade and prepare us for these tests. It is really helpful to see all of the sorts of problems that will be on the test and go over what I don't understand. Thank you.

Anonymous said…
I agree with kevin! You spend a lot of time preparing us to get ready for the test. Thank you so much for all your hard work. The edline review sheets help me a lot also!
Anonymous said…
The review sheets definitely helped me out while I was studying for the tests. Also, coming after class to see you helped me understand some of the points I wasn't completely getting. I appreciated all the time you spent helping us prepare for the test as it really allowed me to study effectively and in the end it paid off.
Anonymous said…
I did worse than I thought :/
I bet it was stupid errors that I didn't go back to check, as usual.
Anonymous said…
I too find the review sheets very helpful for studying for tests. I think they're a good way to see what you know and what you need to review again. I also like how you write out what we did wrong on tests and quizzes so that we can learn from them.
Nicolettes said…
The review sheets are definitely a big help for me! I appreciate how much time you put into making us all things to help us study. I just wish i did better on the test. :/
Anonymous said…
Thanks for preparing us so well for the test, Mrs. Taylor. I appreciate all your extra help.
Anonymous said…
Next time someone needs to ask me before I hand my test in if I checked everything over. 1 thing though that I knew I got wrong was the bounded below or above or whatever it was. I get that mixed up sometimes.
Anonymous said…
I, like Dean, did worse than I thought I would do. I should have read the directions more clearly.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Kevin on this, I have also never had a teacher put this much effort into wanting to see her pupils succeed. I liked how a lot of the problems that we practiced were the exact ones that were on the test.

Thomas Larsen
Anonymous said…
i didnt do too bad but like dean it was all stupid mistakes that i didnt double check
Anonymous said…
Dean, I had a few of those errors also. Thats okay though. Just remember to leave yourself enough time next test to go back and double check. That is one thing that i need to work on...checking my answers thorughly...
Anonymous said…
I feel that it is your own responisbility to make time to finish the test and check your work. You do not have to be the first. Speed is irrelevent if you sacrifice accuracy.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Kevin, I've never had a teacher that puts more effort into preparing us for a test. Basically everything you need to succeed on a test can be found on edline which is very helpful especially if we forget our notebook the night before a test. All the tools we need to succeed are given to us as well as extra practice sheets. So thank you Mrs. Taylor!
-Jess Quintanilha
Anonymous said…
I totally have to agree with Kevin when he says that there really isn't another teacher in this school who puts in so much time, in preparation especially, into our tests. I think it's great that you give us absolutely everything we need to succeed in precalc. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
I believe that your the best teacher when it comes to preparing us for a test and i always feel more comfortable learning something when your the one teaching.
Anonymous said…
Yeah I agree with Jess, I really appriecate all the work Mrs. Taylor puts into making reiview sheets and preparing us for tests. The review sheets posted on edline always helped me alot and make me feel more confident before taking the test.
Olivia said…
I'm so nervous for our first test on Monday!!
Anonymous said…
I remember Pre-calc as if it were just like last year.
Olivia said…
Pre-calc was just one wild memory after another

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