TV Specials

I have already told everyone that I love this holiday season and one of the reasons is because I love watching all the holiday specials. I have found a web site that tells you when all the specials are airing onTV. I noticed that a few of my readers have taken the poll of Christmas specials and picked "A Christmas Story". Well you may be happy to know that it is on TV Friday at 8pm on TBS. Thursday night ABC family has "Jack Frost", "Santa Claus is coming to town" and "The year without a Santa" Too bad I will miss some of those because I will be at parent Teacher conferences for my daughter at King Philip. Tuesday night the "Grinch who stole Christmas" is on. but I think most of us will miss that because we will be at the football playoff game. That is pretty exciting, huh? We win Tuesday and then Saturday we will be at Gillette Stadium for the high school superbowl. Way to go Norton! The teamn winning has made this time of year even more exciting. Don't you agree?

Now back to the xmas specials...a couple of others coming up are Charlie Brown Christmas on Monday Dec. 8th and Frosty is on Friday Dec 12th. I love those two.


Mr. Paulus said…
Thanks for the know I will be tuning in!
Mary Taylor said…
I just saw a commercial for Rudolph which will be on CBS Wednesday night. I have to miss that one because I have parent teacher conferences for my son starting at 7:15. I doubt I will be home by 8:00
Anonymous said…
which Grinch is it? the newer one or the original?
Anonymous said…
WOW! Im so excited for the christmas movies too they are definitly my favortie movies of the year! A personal favorite of mine is "The year without a Santa Claus" because i love the heat and snow misters!!! i will definitly tune in when that is on!
Anonymous said…
I love all the holiday shows! Mrs. Taylor you have to share your website! haha My favorites are all the old ones, especially Santa Claus is Coming to Town! I always sing along...I probably know all the words hahaha :)
Anonymous said…
Believe it or not, i havent seen many of these christmas specials, but the ones i have seen like the grinch and Rudolph rlly seem to get me into the christmas spirit. Right after Thanksgiving is always the time of year when many people cringe at the slightest idea of christmus songs in november but the christmus specials never seem to get old
Anonymous said…
oh em gee i love christmas movies. My fav is Frosty because he is clearly the coolest and more realistic character in any of the christmas specials to date. theres another one that i like too but i dont know wat its called. its the one where they have my second fav christmas song (behind the frosty one) where they say "put on foot in front of the other and soon you will be walkin across the flooooorrrrrr! put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walkin out the dooorrr!" Couple of my favs just for you Ms. Tayor
Anonymous said…
All these tv specials are a definite sign that Christmas is right around the corner. I can't wait!
Mary Taylor said…
Andrew that song happens to come from one of my favorites "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"
Anonymous said…
The Grinch was just on tonight on abc from 8:30 to 9.
Anonymous said…
I really love christmas specials. They always get me in the Christmas mood and make me feel like Christmas is right around the corner. For me, Christmas movies have always built up the suspense for Christmas day. My favorite christmas movie is probably Frosty the Snowman.
Anonymous said…
I love xmas music! Come to the concert on the 10th cuz we're playing some!!
Anonymous said…
I have to agree with everyone and say that one of my favorites is definately "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". It's so great and reminds me of being a kid!
But I have to admit that "A Christmas Story" is getting so annoying to me. I really don't like it! At my house we watch it every christmas day nonstop, so now I really can't stand to watch that movie.
marier said…
One of my favorite things about Christmas time is the movies! I always watch A Christmas Story on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, it's a tradition. I have to agree with Taylor that most people hate the idea of listening to Christmas songs and watching Christmas specials in November, but as soon as they start playing everyone enjoys them. I also agree with Chad that the TV specials are a definite sign that Christmas is just around the corner. I'm really excited to see some of my favorite Christmas movies, like Charlie Brown and A Christmas Story!
Anonymous said…
ive never relized there were so many holiday specials and remakes. I like all the orriginals but the remakes aren't as good. esspecially the rudolph remakes
Anonymous said…
Last night I watched the Grinch...the new one...TWICE!!! I do not know why?
Anonymous said…
I also agree with most people, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" is definately my favorite Christmas special. I love watching them every year, they really put people in the holiday mood!
-Jess Quintanilha
Unknown said…
OH MY GOSH!! The more you blog about Christmas the more excited i get! but i love frosty the snowman and rudolph! And WOOH i am so excited for the super bowl saturday! :D 22 days till Christmas!!
Anonymous said…
I cannot stand the Charlie Brown Christmas special. That one gets on my nerves. Truthfully, I don't like Charlie Brown in general but this is my least favorite.
Anonymous said…
My favorite holiday movie is Home Alone. I like how he sets all the traps for the bad guys haha. I also like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas and Charlie Brown is a classic too. :)
Anonymous said…
Ouch, that's kinda harsh, Brad. Not a "Peanuts" fan?

Anyways, my favorite Christmas movie is "A Wonderful Life". It's an old movie, and it's in black-and-white, but I really like it. I watch it every year.
Anonymous said…
I dont really watch a lot of Christmas movies (sry mrs. Taylor). but i did see about 10 mins of Elf the other day...then i fell asleep.
Anonymous said…
I love charlie brown!! I agree with you good job norton football players!! I also just got to see " How the Grinch stole Christmas" musical! It was really cute.
Anonymous said…
I have to agree with keiko! I is getting a little annoying that "A Christmas Story" is on practically every night!
Anonymous said…
oh come on brad, every one loves Charlie Brown and all his friends. The x-mass special isn't my fav. either but i can live through it, there are worse x-mas stories out there.
Anonymous said…
I love every Christmas special! My favorite is "A Christmas Story" but I don't see it very often because I don't get TBS, which seems to be the only channel that plays it! :(
Anonymous said…
i lovee all christmas movies. they always to put me in a holiday spirit

~liz faxon
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the times Mrs. Taylor. My mom is really into Christmas specials too so if I tell her these times I'm sure she will DVR them so she can watch them over and over. Haha. I think my favorite Christmas specials are The Year Without A Santa Claus and The Grinch. I love the miser brothers and their jazzy songs. But Jim Carey is one of my favorite actors. His facial expressions and portrayal of the Grinch in this movie are hilarious. I know so many funny quotes. I can't wait to watch the movies soon
Anonymous said…
I love every thing about christmas the songs the shows the pretty lights. haha me and some of my friends got together to watch elf the other day. i could watch christmas movies all day long. and i could listen to christmas music all day. ive been singing frosty the snowman all week long.
Anonymous said…
I usually don't get a chance to watch them in the evenings, but I always record them and watch them during vacation!
Anonymous said…
I Love Christmas Moviessss!!!
Thanks for the update on the times
Anonymous said…
I saw a commercial a couple of times for a DVD that has a whole bunch of the xmas specials on it.
Anonymous said…
I just heard that there is going to be a new christmas movie on ABC family this saturday! If anyone likes "A year without a Santa Claus" with the snow and heat misers then you will love this one! Its called "A miser brothers christmas"
Anonymous said…
I love all the Christmas specials! My favorite is the Grinch, but I agree with Caroline, the Home Alone movies are really good too. I watch those every year!
marier said…
I have to agree with Erica that Jim Carey makes The Grinch so much funnier. Haha Jess! Watching Elf was so much fun we should make Casey plan another movie night :)
Anonymous said…
Christmas specials are great! I love watching them because they always put you in the holiday mood. My favorite one is probably Rudolph. Also, I agree with Joe P., I love Christmas music too! 103.3 and 105.7 always play good Christmas tunes.
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed watching the many christmas specials too. My favorite one is the Grinch.
Anonymous said…
I agree with you Mrs. Taylor, the Norton team winning this year has made the year very exciting.
Olivia said…
I know you love your Christmas specials!!
Anonymous said…
I hope the football team does as well this year!!
Olivia said…
Nothing gets better than the classic Xmas specials

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