Technology in the classroom
I went to Bridgewater State College today to listen to Mr. Alan November speak about learning in the 21st century. Now I am all excited about trying new things in my math class. I have set up a custom search engine on google to help search specifically for web sites that will help explain precalculus topics. I am going to ask all my students to contribute web sites to this search engine. I have also set up an account with so we will be making videos at the end of each class to summarize the key topics we covered that day. The videos will then be posted on the internet for all to view. Each day I am hoping to have a different student volunteer to make the summary video, or maybe I will pick students at random. I know the class is going to enjoy doing this. My next project is going to be on I hope to find a math teacher in a different country that wants to have contact with us. We can start communications between the two classes and use skype to have ongoing communication between our students. I am very excited about trying these new activities in class. I hope I can get you just as excited as I am.
Aaron Ledwith
Thomas Larsen
Carolyn Le
I also agree with aaron, kate, and priya; I think it would be really cool to see what kids around the world are leaning in their math classes.
-Jess Quintanilha