The end of a great year
Can you believe it? June is right around the corner. I need a little more time in the school year to finish everything I want to do. Don't you want to extend the year school by a week or two? I guess I will have to accept the fact that I have to leave some things for next year. At the end of each school year I reflect on how things went all year. What I did that went well, and what needs to be changed for next year. Here is your chance to make a difference....What should be done differently in Pre-Calc next year? I know I will use the smartview software more. I will make sure I don't forget that we have it. I am going to show the students the little calculator tricks at the beginning of the year instead of at the end. (sorry!) I never thought to ask if you knew the little things like recalling a previous answer. I believe the students will benefit from more frequent notebook quizzes so I will make that change as well. Now it is your turn to tell me what you think. What would have made the class better for you? You should reflect about your school year. Did you try you best? If not, what will you do differently next year? Make the most out of your senior year because you only get one high school senior year. Enjoy your summer. I know I will. You will find me poolside just about every day.
Ben Sargent
As for Pre-Calc, learning the calculator tricks would definitely be helpful! Next year's students should absolutely keep track of their formula sheets. Watch more NUMB3RS!!! Also, one thing that I know won't change, but still drove me nuts, is the fact that tests are cumulative! I think for the most part, I had a good year in this class, but I am a little apprehensive about calculus next year. Good luck to everyone on all their finals!
senior-itus has definitly kicked in and i just can't wait for the year to be over. for the most part i looked forward to go to pre-calc. like kayla said, there should definitly be more numb3rs!!
As for pre-calc, I have to say that, although it was a challange, I really enjoyed the class. The work load took some getting used to but was manageable. I think the most difficult part of the class for me was that we were quized and tested immediately after we learned the material. I enjoyed the challange and I appreciate all the effort Mrs. Taylor put into our class.
Precalac was one of my favorite classes. Like Kayla said, having the students start early, and keep track of their formula sheet is absolutely vital. Right now, it is by far the most valuble resource I have when doing random problems from months ago. While everyone has days where they slack, I think I worked very hard all year and hope to continue that next year in Calc.
This class was really fun and definitely one of my favorites. For next year, more numb3ers would be nice. The smartboard makes is so that you really dont have change much from year to year. Getting more helpful programs for it is the most i can think of to change the class.
I agree with Kelley and Kayla about keeping formula sheets from the beginning of the year. It really helps to be able to have everything in one spot.
I also REALLY love notebook quizzes so that will be a great thing for my class. I take extensive notes, so that will be a great way to keep my grade up.
I'm looking forward to the fall!
I think Mrs. Taylor runs the class very well so there isn't anything I would change ...the only thing I can think of would be to make candy cheaper! :)
- but i am very excited about summer and not so excited about finals
-this final looks to be very fair, and i feel like as long as i study well i'll do fine
~Brianna R.
I am looking forward to the summer and a break from homework and school
mrs talyor is an amazing teacher because, like bri said, she is alaways positive and hasa smile on
Pre-calc was one of my most enjoyable classes and i dont think you should change anything. Just remind kinds inthe beginning to keepup with thier formula sheet because that becomes one of the most useful tools
Can't wait for Summer! only a few days left :D