Happy Holidays

Like the song states… “It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” well, it is for me. I love so much about Christmas time. I like the music, the lights and decorations, the shopping, college football bowl games and the school vacation. I just came home from Christmas shopping and all I can think is only 18 more days until Christmas. The next thought I have is “oh no” I still have so many presents I want to buy for people. I know this blog has nothing to do with Pre-Calc class, but I am easily side tracked this time of year. Talking and writing about the holiday gets me excited. It is a good thing that I have such wonderful students to keep me on track when I am in class so I don’t spend the whole period talking about the holiday. If you enjoy this time of year and you enjoy watching the TV Christmas specials, you will have to read the blog of Mr. Paulus.


Anonymous said…
I love Christmas too! It's unlike any other holiday because it isn't really a holiday, it's an entire season filled with happiness and excitement. Celebrating Christmas always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. That's why I'm always a little sad when it's over...
Matt said…
Christmas is also my favorite time of the year! It is so fun and everyone is in a good mood. I like going out and shopping for gifts for my friends and family. Its also fun to decorate your house and put all the lights up. I have a calender in my room that is counting down the days. Like Rosemary, I am also sad when it is over.
Anonymous said…
I love the holidays too! I love reading all the Christmas stories and watching movies (nothing beats A Christmas Story!) However, I can only take so much of the music. I hate turning on the radio and hearing Jingle Bells the day before Thanksgiving. Like Matt and Rosemary said, it's always sad once Christmas is over, but its always exciting getting to use all the new stuff you got!

- Calley
Anonymous said…
I love the holidays. I love going to the mall and seeing the pretty decorations.My favorite thing to watch is A Charlie Brown Christmas. I really enjoy the music from it. I have to agree with Calley though, the music does sometimes get annoying. At work we have this singing christmas tree that i really want to get rid of, its so annoying. I also love spending time with friends and family and,of course, vacation.
Paula Vargas said…
That has been one of the sad things about not being able to drive this year..
I can't go to the mall to Christmas Shop, or go to any of the concerts I usually go to!
TV specials....those I'm getting a little too much of!
:) Ms. R
Anonymous said…
I absolutely love Christmas time. Like Rosemary said, it is a whole season full of fun and happiness. This weekend we just got a tree that has the awesome pine scent. We put up the lights, wreath and garland and a few other decorations. I love Christmas music but it has to start the earliest the first week in December, not at any time in November. I haven't done any shopping yet (that's not good), but I love holiday shopping despite the crowds. Plus, you can never get enough of movies such as the polar express, elf, or Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer or stories from when you were little. Plus, I do enjoy going to the Advent church services and giving the community and singing carols. Christmastide and the new years are one of my favorite times of year.
Anonymous said…
The above comment was posted by me, Brianna R. , I forgot to put my name. Whoops.
Anonymous said…
I also love Christmas. Mostly because of the vacation but it is a very nice time of year. I still need to do my Chrstmas shopping for my family. I usually procrastinate so I probably won't go until next week. I might have to check Mr. Paulus' blog because i do like the Christmas specials.
Anonymous said…
Unlike Brianna R. I still need to get a Christmas tree. Unlike pretty much everyone that has blogged i don't like shopping because I never know what to buy and the lines are too long.
Anonymous said…
Christmas is awsome. Its easily the best day of the year. you eat awsome food. you get and give gifts. and you see your family. christmas should be every day.
Anonymous said…
that was brian desmond
Anonymous said…
I have to say I also love Christmas time! I still haven't gotten my tree yet though but I can't wait because its really fun to just hangout and decorate. I agree with Calley and Jackie, sometimes I can do without the music, there are only so many different ways to sing jingle bells, after a while it gets annoying. I really like the instrumental versions with no singing from time to time though. My favorite part of the Christmas season is Christmas Eve. I could do without the cold weather, though I do sometimes like the snow its not my favorite. Vacations only 9 days away!! :)
Anonymous said…
i agree with kam when he said that he hates shopping. not regualrly but around x-mas espeicaly. what i like to do instead of going out myself, i like to go in on a gift with some one else like my borther. its a better gift usally and i also don't have to go out.

But i do agree with brin when he said that x-mas should be everyday. I DO LOVE PRESENTS!
Anonymous said…
opps, sorry, my bad
Anonymous said…
Christmas season is defiantly my favorite time of the year. Everything seems to get prettier before Christmas, especially the malls with all of their decorations. I love going Christmas shopping, and i defiantly need to get more done within the next couple of weeks. I also love watching all of the Christmas specials on tv. I agree with Calley that nothing can beat a Chirstmas story!
Kayla H. said…
I love this time of the year! It's so festive and pretty! While I obviously don't get a tree and go to church, I absolutely love the commercialized version of Christmas--presents, lights, candy, snow (when I'm not driving in it!), family, friends. I also have my own Christmas traditions with my friends and family. I volunteer at Sturdy Memorial Hospital that morning, then my family and our group of Jewish friends usually go to the movies, then get Chinese food and hang out at my house. Obviously, Hanukkah is also a big highlight of this season, but I sort of miss being younger because Hanukkah was a bigger affair. Also, about the music, like Calley, Jackie, and Emma said, a person can only take so much!! I don't mind Christmas carols, but they should absolutely NOT be played on the radio BEFORE Thanksgiving!!
Kristen said…
I LOVE Christmas!! It is by far my favorite holiday. I love all the decorations, movies, and basically everything else! I love to go shopping for all my friends and family because I love to see their faces when they recieve a gift they really wanted or soemthing they love. I agree with what everyone else like Calley said about christmas music before thanksgiving! I dont think that christmas music should be played until at least december! :) I totally agree with what Mrs. Taylor said about how christmas is "the most wonderful time of year". Like rosemary said it gives you the war fuzzy feeling that everyone loves!
There's something special about Christmas time. I love the lights, the music, the family and friend reunions, and just the spirit that's in the air. I agree with Kelley M, everything does seem to get prettier and more cheerful, and I also have to start Christmas shopping.
Anonymous said…
whoops, the above comment was from me.
Anonymous said…
I just went Christmas Shopping today. It's fun to get things for people that you care about, but its hard not to get yourself things. I also do not a tree yet. I prefer a real tree to fake. What do you guys think?
Anonymous said…
I have not done any Cristmas shopping at all, like Sam, I find it hard to shop and not get things for myself. My parents got my tree on my birthday last friday but it has yet to be decorated. I have to say i prefer a real tree to a fake one. -Casey
Anonymous said…
I would have to say I prefer fake trees. We've always had a fake tree, and the one year we had a real tree, it was short and wide and bushy, and it shed like crazy. Our cousins made fun of it when they came over.
We actually just put up our fake tree yesterday. It's really pretty because it's near the windows and the mirrors, so when you come down the stairs at night, all you see is lights reflecting everywhere. Our tree really puts me in the holiday spirit.
Anonymous said…
i love christmas because all of the above reasons. The gift giving/recieving, family, putting up a tree, and lots more. I think im going to have to say that a fake tree is not as fun as a real tree. I also enjoy christmas because its not a specific day(it is, but you know what i mean) but rather a time of year. i love the holidays!!
And i guess its also the time of forgeting to put your name on your blog comment. So how about that wonderful gift of not assigning us that project??? that would be a delightful gift for the entire class im assuming.
Anonymous said…
Responding to Rosemary's comment, I don't think that real tree liked us becuase we kept finding sharp pine needles in our beds weeks after Christmas ... but then again, that might have been the work of our cousins.

I also prefer fake trees because I think they're less dangerous. The other time we had a real tree one of the needles scratched my dad's eyeball and he had to go to the emergency room.

I just saw Ravi's comment and I'm going to disagree with him about the upcoming project. I think it will be fun!
Anonymous said…
Like sam said I also find it hard to go shopping for people and not buy myself something. I will always but what I intended on buying but I always end up spending money I did not intend on in stores like FYE, or vitamin world and GNC. I love christmas time because of the school break and like Mrs. Taylor said hte college football.
Anonymous said…
I, like most everyone else, also love christmas time. I just got up my tree and decorations and i am starting to see decorations coming up around my neighborhood too, which gets me excited because it means christmas and vacation is coming soon.

Anonymous said…
Christmas for me hasn't been the same since I was younger. Don't get me wrong, I still love this time of year but I find it less exciting I guess. And I hate winter time and I dislike most Christmas songs. And working in retail, you've come to find out Christmas can bring out bad things in people. I just get lots of impatient customers and customers who get angry if you don't have the specific Christmas tree they wanted because it sold out. Wow, my comment definitely just put a damper on this whole blog. I do love Christmas though. I like Christmas specials. Especially the Charlie Brown one =]
BrianD said…
Christmas is awsome because it of bowl week. It is the best part of the most fun sport watch all squished into a couple days. awsome.
Plus you get gifts and eat a lot and see your family which is always good.
Mrs. Young said…
I love the Christmas season too, but I have to say I am even more behind than usual this year. It's going to be a very busy week of shopping, wrapping, and baking. Somehow it always gets done.
Anonymous said…
Yes like Ricky, I always seem to spend all my money at Vitamin world and GNC.

Mr. Paulus said…
Thanks for linking my blog Mrs. Taylor. By the way...we are down to the wire with just a little over a week to go until Christmas. Are you going to be able to stay focused this week with all the anticipation??
Anonymous said…
Casey you obviously dont spend all of your money there because you arent as jacked as me.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ricky, Casey is weak in comparison to him, and yes the College Bowl Season is right up there with Christmas and Kwanzaa for me
Anonymous said…
Christmas is my favorite holiday too. Everything is so bright and jolly. It was so hard to stay on task this week just thinking about vacation, Christmas and New Years!
Im glad to say I just finished my shopping... with only about 4 days to spare.
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday & vacation!
Anonymous said…
Christmas is my favorite holiday as well, I absolutely love the music it is my second favorite part. I think the best part of the holiday season is seeing your family and friends. Presants do start to become an issue when I was spending more than I was making that week. But thankfully I got a large check last week to even it out. Also, New Years is such an exciting time. I love the anticipation of a brand new year and wishful resolutions.

Anonymous said…
i agree with mike, this christmas came with no excitement and it seems it has been getting less and less exciting every year, but i do love winter with the snow and everything, its my favorite season

Anonymous said…
Winter isn't my favorite season like Rockwell but I do love the holiday season. Also, I have to agree that Christmas has been sadly seeming less like Christmas every year. Maybe it's because we are getting older, or maybe because it keeps slightly changing. But I know I will always feel the same about it. I absolutely love christmas!
Anonymous said…
i dont know if this counts as a comment, but i noticed my grade in commenting was down so...
i love christmass too!

ps. winter is my favorite season because of the snow and snowboarding. so, i disagree with rockwell and hillary.

pss. commenting on someone elses comment gives extra points, right. lol
Olivia said…
I can't wait for winter! This oppressive humidity is really a pain.
Anonymous said…
The crisp air is such a nice change - soon it will be more than crisp!
Olivia said…
Sweater weather is better weather.

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