Disney Vacation - Too Much?
While I was teaching I always hated having to take vacations when everyone else did so I vowed that when I retired I would vacation during the school year. Since I am a Disney addict I try to go to Disney every year. I have gone the week of Labor Day when everyone is in school and it is still 100 degrees at Disney World. (but not very crowded) I have also gone the week after Thanksgiving to experience Disney Christmas and it was beautiful!! (but a little more expensive)
Now I am planning a trip for the second week of March. Here's hoping there are no late snow storms to cancel my flight to Florida.
This March trip is being done when Disney is offering a 25% discount on hotels. My 6 day/5 night vacation with 4 day park hopper pass is costing me $2184. Then add in my flight and transportation to and from the airports and my total is up to $2600. Once I spend money on food I am sure I will be over $3000. I love Disney, but am wondering if I should take a break from spending so much money on this vacation. What do you think?