Time is going by pretty fast

Hello everyone. The thought of staying home every day all day did not sound make me very happy, but I seem to be doing pretty good. The days fly by which surprises me. My family takes advantage of each day that has good weather (not too many) to get outside to do yard work and make things for the yard. The latest creation is the cinder block bench
Now we have to buy a cushion. 
One of my students send me a picture of something she saw that she thought I would like. This may be the next thing we do in this yard.

My student wasn't the only one thinking of me and my Disney obsession. I got a quarantine t-shirt in the mail from my sister. Thanks Eileen.
Looks like this post is turning into a Disney post. Well I might as well keep up with that theme. The teachers were allowed to go into school to get any supplies we needed. While I was there I took  few Mickeys off my office wall and now this is what is left,

Two months left to do remote teaching and then one more school year until I retire. I really hope that my last year teaching is done in the school not from my dining room at home.
Thats all for now. Time for a zoom meeting with my students.


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