What are you reading?

Have you read any good books lately? I am trying to find a great book for the incoming freshmen to read over the summer. The current freshmen class read "The Number Devil", but they didn't like that choice so I am trying to find something more enjoyable for the students. Right now I am reading "October Sky" by Homer Hickham. I am only 60 pages into the book, but I am enjoying the little that I have read. I would like to hear about any books that you have read and would recommend.


Anonymous said…
I have always enjoyed Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Verne. I am not so sure it could be related to mathematics but it is still an amazing read.
liz f. said…
I don't know of any good math books for the incomming freshmen but I have read so really good books lately. One that i read was for my English class. It was East of Eden by John Steinbeck and it was really good. I don't think its good for your class at all but if you or any one else wanted to read it i would totally recommend it.
Anonymous said…
I wish I could recomend books but the only books I seem to have time to read are the many books for classes. Teachers give students no time to read on their own for enjoyment.
Anonymous said…
I read this book awhile ago but I still remember loving it. The book is called The Tea House on Mulberry Street by Sharon Owens. The style of the book is what makes it interesting. Each chapter is about a different character who comes in the Tea House, some chapters continue their stories. But in the end everyone's situation is solved and alot of people are connected. I loved this book so much I bought the 2 sequels that follow the same style. They are good reads.
Anonymous said…
Like liz i do not know any good math books.

I myself along with alot of other students love Jodi Picoult. I have read My Sister's Keeper, Ninteen Minutes, and Plain Truth. I have yet to read The Pact which i heard was awsome!!

I'll keep searching and see if i can point any books your way.
Anonymous said…
I can't think of a book that has a good deal of math in it. It seems most books have a chapter or two which involves some sort of math, but I can't think of anything with a substantial amount.
Anonymous said…
I am currently reading the Official Zombie Survival Guide. They exist and when an outbreak occurs, I will be well prepared.
Anonymous said…
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown is bomb. You should most definitely read it Mrs. Taylor. The Zombie Survival Guide is great too, Joe.
Anonymous said…
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown is bomb. You should most definitely read it Mrs. Taylor. The Zombie Survival Guide is great too, Joe.
Anonymous said…
The only books that i really read are ones about famous sports figures like micheal jordan and shaquille o'neal. i also read books from the show 24 because it is my favorite tv show and i know whats going on. sorry this probably doesnt help but i do read on my own haha.
Anonymous said…
I completely agree with Aaron. I love to read and I usually get no extra time on my hands these days to read for fun. I do read a lot of magazines like Time and Newsweek to keep me updated with life. And, don't forget Twilight!!! I try to find time to read a couple chapters here and there so that I can finish the series! Tiwlight has nothing to do with math, but I am sure the incoming freshmen ladies would love to have that as a summer reading choice!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Aaron. The only books that I have been reading are for English class; however, here's a site to check out

Anonymous said…
I agree with Aaron, all the books I've had time to read lately have been for school. We don't get much time to read on our own.
Anonymous said…
Harry Potter...
Anonymous said…
I have not heard of many math books. sry Mrs. Taylor.

Like Pryia, I havent had as much time this year to read. Thats why i cant wait for April vacation. Im gonna sit at home and do nothing but read. I want to read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair (sp????. I absolutly loved Ultra Marthonman. I forget the author but it was really good. It was abotu this guy that went around running 100mile races. awesome!
Anonymous said…
i agree with dean! Harry Potter def! I wish there were more books coming out though! :(
Anonymous said…
I agree with Jessica, I love Jodi Picoult. Her books always make me think but they don't have much math in them. I loved Twilight too and I wish I had more time to read on my own.
Anonymous said…
Dean, I can't agree more! But, in regards to summer reading, I think the best books are the ones that are interdisciplinary between numerous subject matters, not just subjects withinschool frameworks. Books that can teach a life skill are quite meaningful.
Anonymous said…
I also agree with Aaron; there are too many books being read for English class. Any free reading has disappeared
Anonymous said…
Yeah I haven't heard of any math books either. But still-

Harry Potter.......
Nicolettes said…
I don't know of any math related books, but at the moment I am being forced to read the Great Gatsby for AP english. Shockingly, i am enjoying it! finally an english book that isn't horrible!
Anonymous said…
I agree with aaron, there just isnt any time to spare anymore in order to just sit down and read; however, the one book i absolutely loved was The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I'm pretty sure there's no math in it, but math can be incorporated anywhere rlly.
Anonymous said…
The only books I have had a chance to read this year have been books for school. Fortunately, the books we've read this year have been fairly decent.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Aaron too I don't read much anymore because I don't really have time to with school and such. But I also agree with Eric Angels and Demons is a great book! It's one of my favorites ever but I don't remember it having much to do with math? I read it years ago though so I can't be sure. But if it does I definately recommend it!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Eric that Angels and Demons is a really good book. I read it a little while ago because the movie is coming out soon.
Anonymous said…
I also agree with Aaron that I almost never have free time to read books not for school. It took me forever reading Angels and Demons only having time for a few pages a day.
Anonymous said…
Sorry Mrs. Taylor, but I do not know any good math-related books. Most of the literature I like is more related to History.
Anonymous said…
Oh, and thank goodness we have Joe. If the zombies attack, we'll be ready.
Anonymous said…
I also agree with Aaron that I only have time to read books for english. I really don't like reading books so i could not help you with picking one about math.

Tom L
Dean Kennedy said…
The Great Gatsby is the best book I've read for school so far this year tied with Ender's Game. I want to get Angels & Demons and read it before the movie comes out. Tom Hanks ftw
Anonymous said…
Aaron's so popular.
Sam Phillips said…
A good book that has a little to do with math is Digital Fortress. Its all about people who write and break codes for the government. I definitely recommend it to anyone.
Sam Phillips said…
Zombie Survival Guide? Well that's interesting...I guess we can count on Joe to protect us from zombies.
priya said…
Like Jess and Leah mentioned, Jodi Picoult books are awesome! But, I they don't have much to do with math. Picoult books are, like what Kevin said, books that can teach life lessons. They're are touching and sometimes worth a lot to read.
Jess Sumner said…
hmm i cant think of ne good math related books i enjoyed the book vandal that i read last year but that has nothing to do with math but like julia i dont have ne free time to read books that arnt for school
Caroline A said…
I also agree with Aaron that I don't really read books outside of ones for school because I don't have enough free time. However, books that I do like to read usually involve some sort of adventure such as "Into the Wild" and "Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place".
Elise Stafford said…
I love Nicholas Sparks! It has nothing to do with math but if I was ever assigned to read one of his books it would be the best summer of my life. =)
kate baird said…
Like a lot of people said Harry Potter and Twilight <333 but that would obviously be for reading on your own lol
For math, I read Digital Fortress too Sam P! It's a good mystery/suspense and has some math in it. I love all Dan Brown books.
colleenoneil said…
Everyone is mentioning the Great Gatsby! I wish i was reading that this year maybe ill just read it on my own..But probably not, because right now im busy reading my book for english, reading Huckleberry Finn.
ChelsieDS said…
Joe, now we all know where to go if there happens to be a zombie invasion...
Nicolettes said…
Joe now we all know who to go to if there happens to be a zombie invasion...
Chad said…
It's a shame that we are assigned to read so many books in school. I don't get a chance to read the books outside of school that I wanna read.
Sam Phillips said…
I agree with Eric and Julia, Angels and Demons is a great book along with all the other novels written by Dan Brown.
Patrick said…
I don't know of any good math realted books but i love reading Star Trek books .
liz f. said…
Another author i really enjoy is Jodi Picoult. she always has some twist in her plots that you never see ccomming. I like her books because they never turn out how you think they are going to and you never know what to expect.
kerrin said…
I agree with Nicolette, I'm also enjoying the Great Gatsby so far!
marier said…
I haven't read any books about math, or at least that I can remember. But I agree with Liz that I have read some good books lately that I've found out through english class. Right now we're reading The Great Gatsby which I love-it's surprisingly funny. I've also read Indian Killer which was an amazing book; I read it in three days. I could not put it down! I would definitely recommend it, especially for those who love Sherman Alexie's books.
Joe C said…
like aron, i rarely have time to read free read books anymore.
but the books i do read are mostly from H.G. Wells. They are really good science fiction. not much math in the them though. However, the invisable man is still an excelent book with physics/chem/ and some math mentioned.
The Andrew Ethier said…
I have to agree with pat in that i dont know of many math books and for some reason books relating to math dont appeal to me very much no offense Mrs. Taylor, I also hate reading books for english, i only like reading books that i choose and i can read whenever i please
pete danko said…
I wish I had time to read still. I used to read all the time whenever I was bored, but now I'm so busy I don't even have time to be bored haha...I'm going to steal a few of these suggestions though
Anonymous said…
I wish a had more time to read, but I find time hard to come by this year. Like Andrew though, I only truly enjoy reading the books that I choose to read.
Nicolettes said…
Like Aaron, i can rarely read books on my own time with all the books we get assigned to read in school! I only really like reading books i can pick out myself, & so far this year that hasn't happened!
Joe Petrelli said…
My english class recently got assigned to read another book by the end of the year. This one is "The Things They Carried". It is a first person account of the Vietnam War. Sounds pretty good, I might not need to sparknotes this one.
Keiko C said…
I definitely agree with Priya. Twilight was amazing and I'm almost positive the freshmen ladies would love it! But as for math books I can't really think of any. I did like the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. I thought that was a good book, and it possibly had some math in it? I'm not sure, but I enjoyed it.
Olivia said…
The Tipping Point was probably worse than this choice. I wasn't a fan of that book.
Anonymous said…
I loved October Sky! The movie was just on yesterday, actually.
Olivia said…
I just finished reading "The Trial" by Franz Kafka. It's not the most upbeat book...
Jill O'Connor said…
Unlike Olivia, I actually really like Tipping Point. It was tough to read but very interesting. Also, it's socially relevant, and I've heard references being made to it on TV shows, etc.

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