Its all about sports

What a week! The Norton football team is going to have a great game Friday night and put on a show for Fox 25 and all the viewers, The RedSox won their first playoff game in California, and my sons fall baseball team is undefeated with only 3 games left to play.

Did anyone stay up late last night to watch the redsox game? I don't know why I felt it necessary to stay up that late on a school night. Now, today I am tired and will probably be cranky. I will have to come home from school and take a nap at 3:00. Oh well, at least the sox won and I did get 4.5 hours of sleep.


Anonymous said…
I also felt compelled to stay up until the end of the game. We may feel tired but it was worth supporting the team.
Anonymous said…
I agree i watched the red sox also and i have a cold and i am sick so my day today stinks. the sox are on again soon and i bet i will be watching that one too regardless of my health status.
Anonymous said…
As much as I love watching the Sox, it's gonna be difficult staying up for the games, especially those that are played in different time zones. The game last night started way too late.
Anonymous said…
I think 4.5 hours of sleep is an amazing amount of sleep time. I also stayed up for most of the game. Its safe to say I was a little overtired today.
Anonymous said…
Yeah I did homework then I went to bed and only got to see parts of the first couple of innings. I'm tired a lot normally so I didn't see it necessary to stay up. I still support them though.
Anonymous said…
I did not stay up and watch the game. I stayed up and studied for pre-calc. Oh, fun times! And Mrs. Taylor, 4.5 hours of sleep?!?!!?!?
Anonymous said…
even though i felt compelled tp watch it like Brad I was way too tired to watch the game and went to bed early. Im glad they won though.

Thomas Larsen
Anonymous said…
I watched the game, too and got practically no sleep either. Oh well, it's worth it to support Boston!
Anonymous said…
I stayed up for the first four innings of the Sox game. I was way too tired to watch the entire game, so I watched the replays on ESPN in the morning.
Nicolettes said…
yayy! The friday night game with Fox 25 was so much fun! it was great to see the support from all ages including parents! So happy we won!
Anonymous said…
I have stayed up late to watch the games and even though its been a really tired week its been worth it.
-Patrick Gonsalves
Anonymous said…
I got to go to the Red Sox game last night and it was amazing even though I didn't get home until 2 in the morning :/ I can't wait for the next series to begin!
-Kate Baird
Anonymous said…
Sadly i didnt stay up to watch the red sox game. I was way too tired i always find myself falling asleep at 930-10ish during the week so i knew i wouldnt be able to stay up for the whole game!
Nicolettes said…
Kate, your so lucky you got to go to the game! I have also stayed up watching the games, and am loving it! :]
Anonymous said…
I've got to say Red Sox Fans are by far the most passionate and eccentric fans out there... but its worth it! Despite whether one watched 4 innings or the entire game, its all worth it even if you can't exactly stay awake through first period.
Anonymous said…
I'm such a night owl. I wish I had the chance to go to the game. I probably would be so tired I wouldn't be able to go to sleep and just be crazy in school the next day.
Anonymous said…
The game depends on whether or not I'll stay up to watch it. If one team is clearly going to win I'll usually go to bed. But if it's a close game I'll try to stay up and watch it.
-Jess Quintanilha
Olivia said…
I don't know what has happened to the Sox. They keep getting worse and worse.
Anonymous said…
I wish I was into sports as much as you! Well... I wish I wish into sports even a little!
Olivia said…
You're into basketball, right? ;)

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