It's Not About the Bike

Have you started reading? I am reading this book for the second time. If you read to the left of my blog "all about me" you know that I am a Tour de France fan and a Lance Armstrong fan so I was excited to hear our book choice for this year. I hope you like the book as much as I did(or at least half as much as I did). The picture above is Lance during the last stage of his last Tour de France when he won a record 7 times. Now that Lance has retired from cycling he is doing a lot to raise money for cancer and awareness of early cancer detection. I am sure you have seen the yellow bracelets that read "Livestrong". That is his motto. I have been wearing mine for 3 years now. Ever since I was diagnosed with cancer myself. Lance will be in Boston in April to run the Boston marathon. I will be on the route some place to cheer him, and all the other runners(maybe Mr. Taylor will be running again this year). Lance is doing this to raise money for his foundation. I found the following quote from the Foundation website

"At the Lance Armstrong Foundation, we unite people to fight cancer believing that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything."

You can apply that quote to more than just fighting cancer. I particularly like the last part of the quote "Attitude is everything"

Enjoy the book and if you have any thoughts to share on what you read make sure to post those thoughts.


Anonymous said…
I initially was not excited to read this book. I think it has a positive message, however, and it can be an inspirational book. I didn't think the book they were going to chose would be an autobiography, which may be why people don't want to read it. I haven't completely finished the book, I'm about halfway through.
Anonymous said…
I have to agree with Mike I was not impressed with the book choice this year first hearing about it. But I have gotten about half way through and have realized the book has humor and inspirational attitude which have been getting me through the autobiography part. I think what Lance is doing for charities is great and the motto from the website I agree is a way to look at not just fighting cancer but at life in general and all the battles it entailes.Hearing your preference to the book has made me look at it in a new light, and hopefully next time I pick it up I will read it in a new light also.
Kayla H. said…
When I first heard about this book, I didn't really have an opinion on the topic; it was more like, "Oh great, another thing to do." However, I ended up liking it very much. I finished it last week and I found it to be very inspirational, and an incredibly easy read. I agree with Hillary that Lance Armstrong has used his illness and his celebrity to do some amazing things in the world.
Anonymous said…
I finished reading the book two weeks ago. Because it was a really easy read, like Kayla said, I just wanted to get it out of the way. I found Lance Armstrong's accomplishments very inspiring. His story was interesting to read.
Anonymous said…
I finished reading the book over christmas vacation, and I didn't enjoy it very much. I'm not a big fan of the one book one school or Lance Armstrong so I wasn't even planning on reading it, which could have factored into me not liking it.

However, I think its amazing how Armstrong beat cancer and was able to win the Tour de France. Like Hillary and Kayla I think Lance Armstrong has used his illness in a very positive way.

-Calley Fisk
Anonymous said…
One thing I found really interesting was that even when Lance Armstrong's chances of survival were really low, his doctors lied to him about the percentages, partly because they wanted to be nice and partly because they didn't want to discourage him.

I think having hope and also his determination to survive played a big role in his recovery, which is why I also like the part of the saying "Attitude is everything".

Like Calley said, what's even more amazing is the fact that he went on to win the Tour de France after fighting cancer.

- Rosemary Le
Anonymous said…
I started It's Not About The Bike about two weeks ago. At first like most other people I wasn't interested at all. Also, like Calley I am not a fan of one book one school. I always feel that there are different books that should be used for this. I thought that as a school we should have read 19 Minutes, its such a great book. It would be a good thing to read at school because it's about a school shooting. Although I'm not a fan of one book one school, I really have been enjoying Lance Armstrong's book. It is so inspirational to see someone with such low chances of survival to turn it around and prove everyone wrong. Lance Armstrong really has used what has happened to him in a positive way.
Anonymous said…
i haven't started the book yet but from what i've heard its not as bad as it sounds. like mike i wasn't excited to read this book, but now that is getting closer i realized that i have to start it soon.
Anonymous said…
I agree in what Mike said about not wanting to read this book at first, but after reading it, have really enjoyed this book. It is not as boring as I thought it would be. I have not yet completed it, but plan to over vacation. I think that this is can be an inspiration to many people that read this, its about not giving up through all the struggles.

-Matt Guido
Anonymous said…
For me, it was definitely hard to get into the book because I wasn't exactly thrilled to be reading it, like most people have mentioned.
Yet as I read on, I find I like it more and more. I've found his story to be really inspirational and I'm glad I'm actually getting a lot of insight into everything he's been through and accomplished.
- Kristina
Anonymous said…
This was a great book, it is amazing how cancer is so prevelant in so many people's lives. It says that attitude is important, and it is not just the attitude of the patient, but also the attitude of the patients freinds and everyone who they know, which is why i want to let you know that you will be in my prayers tonight, and the prayers of my family. i believe that someones attitude can change what the outcome will be, so if everyone hopes enough that the mass is benign, we will all see you tomorow. sometimes bad things happen to good people, but i can not express how much i hope that that is not the case in this situation. i dont really know how to end this message, so i will wish and pray for the best of luck for you, and to see you tomorow. -Gil
Anonymous said…
It was ok but you know that he got the best treatment for cancer because he was rich and famous. If it was a regular person, they probably wouldn't have survived...

I also think it was kind of dumb how the title said its not about the bike but for 1/2 the book all he talked about was his bike and cycling.

The book was ok for being a quick/easy read.
Anonymous said…
Like Mike, i went into this book with very low expectations and not excited at all to read it. I agreed with most people that it was going to be a "poor poor me" book and wasn't going to be interesting.

I can say that i actually enjoyed reading this book. It was an easy read and like most people have already said [like kayla, hillary and mrs taylor] he was very inspirational! He definatlely used his illness to promote cancer and to give hope to many people.

Anonymous said…
I thought the one book one school was a pretty good book. Lance has hit rock bottom and come back, and he did everything he could along the way. There are times when he is a little bit arrogant, but with all of the good things he has done for cancer awareness I have looked beyond that. He has a devoted family and friends that stick by his side. He went against the odds of survival, and he is motivation for us all. He truly shows perseverance, motivation, and how to pace oneself. However, I thought the title was a little bit off. Half of the book isn't about the bike, but half of it is. His message isn't about the bike, but he relates accomplishment to the bike, so I think he could have come up with something a little bit different.
~Brianna R.
Olivia said…
Even though he is in some trouble with steriods, Lance's story is still so inspiring.
Anonymous said…
Attitude IS everything! So true!
Olivia said…
The Science Honor Society is thinking about partnering up with Livestrong to raise some money to create a Mr. Leddy Scholarship fund. I think that is a such a great way to keep Mr. Leddy's legacy at NHS.

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