Snow Day

Most winters I look forward to a snow day or two, as I am sure most of my students do, but I find myself a little sad at the prospect of no school tomorrow. I am having so much fun this year at Norton High that I actually do not want a day off. My daughter thinks I am a little crazy because she is very excited about having a three day weekend. This is so out of character for me. I even have a sign that hangs in my dining room during the winter months that reads, "Please Snow, I'm a teacher".

I hope that all of my students can find a career that they enjoy as much as I do. It is a wonderful feeling to get up in the morning and be excited about going to work. This year I started a new position and I was a little nervous leaving my comfort zone to try something new, but I am glad I choose this path. I truly believe I am growing. I have been learning so much and I just want to continue to learn more.

Now back to the weather. If the weather people are correct (50-50 shot at that) I do believe we will be home tomorrow so enjoy the snow day. Hopefully this will be our one and only snow day of the year.


Anonymous said…
Today we did indeed have a snow day. I have different views of snow days. In this case, I have come to enjoy 1 or 2 hour delays or early releases. I had an English assignment due today if we had school and I didn't really enjoy doing it in case we had school. I do enjoy having days off here and there, but not too many to have to make up in June. However, they only extend it to 5 extra days, but it is 5 days more than we want to still be in school at that point, haha. So delays feel like easy days and we don't have to make them up. However, it was nice to have an extra day to relax, that's two 3-day weekends in a row! This is partly why I love New England weather all year around. By the way, the playoff games were very good, I liked all the teams that won. To add, I think it is very important that a person is happy with his or her job, or responsibilities that they have to take care of. It is important to be flexible, grow and try new things; this is the key element in being a well-rounded person. I am glad Mrs. Taylor is happy with how her career is going this year. I think this is a really long comment so I think I am done posting.
Anonymous said…
I was wicked excited for the snow day. I got to sleep in, which is a rarity, and just to have 2 3-day weekends in a row will help with all of the midterm stress. I agree with Brianna, in that, 2-hour delays are the best of both worlds because you get to sleep in, AND it counts for a day of school. Being the procrastinator that I am, I still left a ton of homework to do for tonight, which is why im commenting at 11:30..

Anonymous said…
I'd have to say I was pretty thankful for this snow day. Like Kelly, I left myself too much homework for Sunday night, and so I was up reeeaally early Monday morning doing homework. As soon as I found out we had a snow day, I went straight to sleep. Extra time to sleep and do homework is always good :)
Anonymous said…
I loved having a snow day monday because we got to have a 3-day weekend. I agree with Kelly about how 2 3-day weekends in a row helps midterm stress a lot! I also agree with Brianna about how delays are just as good. I like when we have delays because we get to sleep in and we dont have to make the day up at the end of the year. It is a double plus!

--Kristen Morris
Anonymous said…
i have to say that i enjoyed this snow day a lot, i wasnt sad like you mrs. taylor, sorry. I agree with Kristen, Kelly and Brianna that 2 3-day weekends in a row is always awesome!! i also hope we have A TON of snow days next year when we dont have to make them up!!
I do agree with mrs. taylor about having a career where you want to work. i know some people who cant stand a day when they dont work because of their passion for it. They are so happy and i hope that it will be the same for me one day.
Anonymous said…
I was very excited about hving a snow day. I don't mind having to make it up in the summer because the month of june goes by so quickly anyway. I agree with Brianna that delays are good but usually im up by the time they've announced that its a delay and i don't have time to go back to bed. I think it's necessary to have a snow day once in awhile, just for a little rest. The only negative part about the snowday is that it gave one day less of midterm review, in some classes.
As about enjoying your job; i feel its extremely important. When i think of what i want to do after college, i really want to do something i love. I thinks its nice to be a teacher and having the summers off because you can either enjoy your vacation or get another job.

Anonymous said…
I really wanted a snow day but didn't want to expect one, so I was really excited when we had no school. I agree with Jackie that sometimes we need a break; the weekends usually fly by for me anyway. I can tell that you (Mrs. Taylor) love your job. I don't think I've ever seen you cranky or unhappy.
Anonymous said…
I love snow days, the only way we can get a snowday is if everyone does their homework the previous night. SO EVERYONE DO IT!
Anonymous said…
I also love snow days. The prospect of more sleep and another day to rest is a great thing. Also, I very much appreciated the snow day because I got an extra day to study for my AP english vocab test which only happened because I stayed up for numerous hours studying. Sams correct if anyone didnt know, we got it off because everyone did their work. The downside I am just realizing is that we miss a day of review which is deffinitely going to hurt when it comes to studying. I'm hoping anyways I will do well because I too would love to wake up every morning to a job I love, that is what I'm working for.

Anonymous said…
I love all snow days, no matter what day they fall on. But it's always good to have one in the middle of the week because it gives you time to relax and get all of your work done. The timing of this snow day was great because of all the stress with midterms and last minute tests.

I agree with hillary and sam that you're better off doing all of your homework the night before. If you don't, not only will you bring bad luck, but you'll also have to spend your snowday doing homework. I think it's best just to get it out of the way so you don't have to waste your snow day thinking about it.
Kayla H. said…
I have to start checking your blog earlier, Mrs. Taylor, because I'm always at least, like, the 10th person to post and I feel like my comments are really redundant! But yes, I do agree with everyone about snow days, about both viewpoints, but especially about the sleeping in part! And Sam, Hillary, and Kelley are right about everybody doing their homework causing a snow day--at least according to Ms. Malone!

As for finding a career you love, that's about one of the best things I think we can hope for in this life, and I have so much respect for teachers, since that is what I would like to do. Happy Winter!
BrianD said…
I always get excited for snow days and then when i finally get one, its not that fun. I end up spending my day shoveling out my driveway. Also, we have to come an extra day in June and thats no fun.
Anonymous said…
I loved having a snow day this past week. The only thing bad about it was losing that extra day of review for some of the classes. However, a 3 day weekend was definitly worth it. Like other people said, having an extra day off really helps with midterm stress.

As for finding a career you love- I agree that is is very important to do something that you enjoy. If you don't love what you do than its probably not the right career choice for you. I hope that I can find a job where I look forward to going to work each and every day.

- Calley F.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Calley that it is important to do something you enjoy. There is a quote that says, "People are always good company when they are doing what they love." I think this is true. Hopefully, one day we'll all be as lucky as Mrs. Taylor in finding a job we look forward to going to every day.
Anonymous said…
I love snow days too, but not the shoveling the day after. I had to shovel my driveway, then i went to Nicole's house and her parents made me shovel their driveway too, lol. I think its funny what sam said about only getting snow days when everyone does their homework, cause it is true. and michelle was right when she said it helped midterm stress because i used the day to study as well.
Anonymous said…
This is a late response but finding out we were having a snow day put me in a great mood.

I'm worried about what career to chose because I don't want to do something I get bored with or annoyed with. I kind of want a job that's not going to be the same thing everyday. Ahhh I don't want to grow up.
Kayla H. said…
Mike, about your last sentence---
I couldn't agree more!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Gil. Shoveling can be brutal, especially if the driveway is really long. Luckily our family has invested in a plow, and now our driveway can be cleared in fifteen minutes instead of three hours.
Anonymous said…
michelle and gil are right...shoveling is the worst part of snow days.

i enjoy snow days and i find that if i do all my homework that there will be a snow day, on the other hand if i don't do it then we have school the next day. snow days are fun being able to sit home. i rather not have snow days all the time because i don't like having to go to school in the summer. one or two snowdays is okay with me.

Anonymous said…
Well this is a little bit late..but I guess i'll still comment it.
I agree with Gil, Laura, and Michelle shoveling is most definitely the worst part of having a snow day. My driveway isn't even that long but its not something I enjoy doing. I do like when we have snow days though. I'm not much of a fan of winter but snow days are always a plus.

I agree with Mike about choosing the career. I still have no clue what I wanna do with the rest of my life. Everyone always asks, what I wanna do or where I would like to go to college..honestly have no idea. It's nerve wrecking. I'm sure it will just come to me naturally when I find something I really enjoy. I think thats really awesome that you love teaching so much you would rather not have a snow day :)! I hope when I get older I can feel that way when I start my career.
Olivia said…
We better get lots of snow days this year!
Anonymous said…
I haven't seen that sign! It will have to make a comeback!
Olivia said…
Another blizzard would be greatly appreciated

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