
Showing posts from January, 2009


What a winter we are having! Can you believe that there is another chance of snow for Wednesday? Everyone that knows me is aware that I love snow. I get so excited when I hear about snow storms. I will watch several different TV stations to see how much they are predicting and for this storm they seem to all be around 8 inches. Makes you think, Snow Day? Since I am so interested in weather I was searching the internet for examples of math used by meteorologists and I came across an interesting powerpoint titled "Math used in Meteorology" check it out when you have a chance. Happy shoveling.

New Courses at Norton High

We are at a time in the school year that all academic coordinators turn in any proposals they have for a new course to be offered next year. I have been busy because I am proposing 3 new courses. I would like to offer a project based math class. This class would use the algebra and geometry that students have mastered to be applied to projects. (hopefully fun projects) One project requires that the students make model hang gliders and we will fly them, unmanned, out the window to find projections of weight and distance. Groups will also design buildings using geometric shapes. The second course I would like to see offered is an introduction to engineering. This class would have some time in the math classroom as well as time in CAD class and in the shop with Mr. Brown. I am very excited about this course. Students will get a hands on experience of math and science being used in the engineering world. The third course is a semester class in computer programming. It is called Alice. I h...

Happy 2009

Happy New Year Everyone! All the excitement of the holidays is over and so is school vacation. I am a little sad about this, but at the same time I am anxious to get back to school. I love having time off, but I also like the structure my life has when I get up and go to school every day. For those of you that are sad about vacation being over here is something to think about...only 6 weeks until february vacation. Now what is really making me sad is not the fact that vacation is over, but the fact that the Patriots had a record of 11-5 and they are not in the playoffs. It upsets me that they are out with 11 wins and a team is in with only 8 wins. Something is wrong with that. I think I am going to have to cheer for the Giants this year.