The end of a great year
Can you believe it? June is right around the corner. I need a little more time in the school year to finish everything I want to do. Don't you want to extend the year school by a week or two? I guess I will have to accept the fact that I have to leave some things for next year. At the end of each school year I reflect on how things went all year. What I did that went well, and what needs to be changed for next year. Here is your chance to make a difference....What should be done differently in Pre-Calc next year? I know I will use the smartview software more. I will make sure I don't forget that we have it. I am going to show the students the little calculator tricks at the beginning of the year instead of at the end. (sorry!) I never thought to ask if you knew the little things like recalling a previous answer. I believe the students will benefit from more frequent notebook quizzes so I will make that change as well. Now it is your turn to tell me what you think. What would ha...