
Showing posts from February, 2021

School Vacation week

  A break from school work is always nice. Usually I spend my school vacations catching up on school work but not this past week. I had a nice relaxing time (for the most part) I only did school work for 6 hours on Saturday and 4 hours today (Sunday). I caught up on my shows that were on the DVR and I did some reading. I love when a book can actually make me laugh out loud. Laughter is a good thing and I need more of that in my daily life. My vacation wasn't totally stress free. Thursday I spent over 8 hours in front of the computer trying to get an appointment for my Covid vaccine, but thanks to the awful way the state runs it's website, I had no luck. First the website kept crashing then when it worked I would find a place with 89 appointments available and I would click  to start filling out the 6 pages of questions but never got past the 4th page before getting the message "No appointments available" as other people already filled up the spaces. The website should...