
Showing posts from June, 2019

Cape Cod Canal

I spent a nice relaxing day at the canal on Thursday June 27th. The weather was perfect and the views were beautiful. I packed a cooler with plenty of cold drinks and my lunch and spent seven hours reading my book and watching the many sailboats come through the canal. I applied sun screen multiple times but still got a bit of a burn on my arms. I used the spray sunscreen so I think the wind may have blown a lot of it away. Next time I will use lotion that I rub in. Not too many big boats. Lots of sail boats and a few tankers. Always enjoy my days at the canal, so I am sure I will do that 2 or 3 more times this summer. This week I hope to get to Yarmouth for the annual sand sculptures

Start of summer

Summer break came early for me this year. The last day I was at school was Monday June 17th. I spent the rest of that week preparing for my sons college graduation party. He graduated from Mass Maritime Academy at 10am Saturday morning and his party was at 3:00 that same day. I am one proud mama as we celebrated all of his accomplishments. BS in emergency management, graduation from the NH state police academy and commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the army. He has done so much for a 22 year old.  Once the celebrating was over I had time to relax by the pool. Water is still a little chilly for me even though it's 75 degrees. I would prefer closer to 80 degrees. I started planning my day trips for this summer. First was my trip to the canal (in another blog post). I do love my summer. I will be blogging about each of my day trips and sharing some pictures. I hope everyone else has a GREAT summer too.