A July update
Is everyone enjoying their summer? That is probably a silly question. What student or teacher doesn't enjoy their summer? I have spent most of the month of July at baseball games. My son, Bryan, plays summer ball and I truly enjoy watching those games. It was great to see some of my students at the ball fields as well. Whenever Plainville had a game I would walk around all the other fields and see if there were any purple uniforms. If I saw purple I knew Norton was playing. I spent a little bit of time at school this month too. We have two new math teachers and I wanted to give them tours of the school and give them books for the classes they will be teaching. The highlight of the month for me was my family outing at Six Flags. All my brother and sisters came with their children along with some cousins and their children. We were at the park for an early AAA opening at 9am and we left around 9pm. What a day! My next trip there will hopefully be in May(2009) for Math Day. I ho...